Chapter 11

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Axel kicked the door and Corey opened the door with confusion then nodded when he saw Axel holding a sleeping Zoey in his arms.

"Shhhh, she's sleeping," Corey said hurrying into the living room.

"Where's her ears?" Kota asked as he helped untangle her legs from around Axel's waist.

"She didn't feel confident enough to wear them through the aquarium with other people around. They are in my car," Axel whispered as he pushed her hair out of her face.

"Did she eat lunch?" North asked noticing she still hadn't changed out of the Baby Girl shirt, she just put jeans on instead of her shorts she had on earlier.

"No," Axel shook his head, "She wasn't hungry. She has serious anxiety around others."

"That's fine," Corey shrugged, "We will work through it."

"Luke or Gabe will have to go with us if we take her anywhere," Axel said as they left the room.

"She feels more confident signing then talking," Luke nodded, "I noticed that at the club. She can talk with Jess but it's probably because she's comfortable around her."

"Well we aren't fluent in signing," Axel nodded, "She wrote to talk to me when others were around."

"We'll fucking work with that," Gabe shrugged. "Who knows once she's goddamn comfortable with us she may gain the fucking confidence to talk normally. We will fucking show her she can be herself without fucking fear of repercussions. Fucking asshole." He muttered as he picked at his nail polish.

"How's her room coming along?" Victor asked. "I haven't seen you go shopping yet."

"It's a fucking guestroom right fucking now," Gabe sighed in annoyance. "I can't fucking figure out how to fucking go right now. I need to fucking know how her goddamn place is so I can fucking get an goddamn idea on what to fucking do."

"Calm down," Luke chuckled. "You'll figure it out, you always do, and then you will surpass her wildest dreams I'm sure."

"Fucking hope so," Gabe sighed and ran his hands through his hair.

"I know you will," Luke said resting his head on Gabe's shoulder.

"Raven, your new knife came in and my new ropes came in," Marc said opening a box as he came into the living room and pulled them out of the box.

"Da," Raven grinned as he took the knife out of the box and started tossing it up and catching it.

"Nice," Marc said as he took the ropes out of the packaging to look at them better.


Everyone looked up to see Zoey standing in the doorway pale and trembling.

"Shit Beautiful," Marc said standing still. She had the deer in headlights look and he, as well as the group, knew if he moved too fast she would run.

"No," She whimpered, "please no."

"Okay Zoey, okay," Marc nodded and slowly put the rope back in the box. "Alright."

"Kitten," Raven said putting the knife in his pocket. She watched him as he slowly walked over to her. "Kitten safe." She just stared at him. "Say Kitten safe."

"," She weakly said while trembling.

"Good Kitten," Raven smiled, "Say again."

"Kitten," she took a deep breath, ""

"Good," Marc smiled coming over to her. "Again."

"Kitten safe," She whispered staring at Raven, not noticing Marc had taken her hand and held it out.

"Trust Raven?" Raven asked and she nodded. "Say."

"I R...Raven," She said a little louder.

"Look Kitten," He smiled looking down at her hand Marc was holding. She looked down and gasped as Raven moved his hand from on top of her revealing that she was holding his knife. "Proud Kitten."

"What?" She asked shocked looking down at the pocket knife.

"Kitten have power," Raven explained. "Take power."

"How?" She asked confused.

"Not letting your bad memories and fear overrule you," Marc explained as Raven took the knife and placed it in her other hand. Nathan handed him the red rope and she watched as Marc placed it in her hand. "You control the power of the object and the memories. It's just rope Beautiful, it didn't hurt you, the person controlling it did."

"Take p...power," She mumbled staring at the rope.

"Do you trust me?" Marc asked and she nodded. "Can I unravel it?"

"Ye...yes," She nodded and he placed it back in her hand. "Is soft."

"Yes it is," Marc nodded.

"Why do you have rope?" She asked not even realizing she didn't stutter.

"Because I like shibari," He explained.

"What's that?"

"He likes tying us up, Cupcake," Luke chuckled. "It can be a lot of fun."

"Oh," She blushed and looked down at the floor.

"If you are ever curious, I'll be more than happy to show you," Marc chuckled as he took the rope from her. "It takes a lot of trust but it's so much fun."

"Do they tie you up?" She asked still looking at the floor.

Marc put his fingers under her chin and gently lifted her head until she was looking at him. "Yes," He answered honestly. "The trust between us is what makes it so much fun, plus the various designs we can make is a plus," He chuckled. "It's all about trust. Just like you trust us with your Neko and Little aspects of you. It's all about trust."

"Knife play?" She whispered and Raven chuckled.

"Nyet," He shook his head, "Just like knife."

"He tends to break them with his habit of throwing them," Corey chuckled.

"Oh," She whispered.

"Good girl on not stuttering," Kota whispered from behind her. "And overcoming your fears."

"Hey I didn't," She gasped suddenly realizing it. She turned to face him and hugged him. "Thank you."

"You're very welcome," He chuckled hugging her back.

Their Little Sister's Best Friend (Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now