Chapter 16

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"I'm sorry what?" Kota asked as everyone looked at her in shock.

"Hi," She sheepishly waved. "Are you mad at me?"

"What?" Kota asked again.

"No, Princess," Victor shook his head, "Although I must admit it it's kind of ironic for me to call you that now. We just weren't expecting that bit of information."

"So this place?" Gabe asked.

"Oh, apparently some time in the past my great great great, or maybe it was my great great, anyway some distant family members moved here to have a so called normal American life and the family had this built for them," She shrugged, "It stayed in the family for when they wanted to visit America and has stayed in the family ever since. I came here a few times as a child so I remembered where it was."

"So how did you come to be here?" Victor asked.

"Well I'm the youngest so I know I will never be Queen and I hated that kind of lifestyle," She shrugged as she picked up an object then put it back. "Yeah, this place hasn't been used in years, it definitely needs to be restored and updated." She sighed, "Anyway, when I turned 18 I asked my parents if I could come here for college and try to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. They agreed and every so often they send me money plus I have access to my inheritance if I ever wanted to use it. They pretty much hate how I'm the rebellious one who doesn't want that life so they kind of just give me money to stay away and not embarrass them. I don't reach out to them and they don't reach out to me. Works for everyone that way."

"Cupcake," Luke whispered walking over to her.

"Yeah?" She asked confused.

"We're just amazed," he sighed, "Come here." He hugged her and she froze for a second then hugged him back just as tight.

"Alright," she cleared her throat and stepped back, "let's get out of here, I'm getting hungry and the next town is quite a bit aways."

"I'll drive," North said holding his hand out. "You aren't driving like that again."

"Oh North," She giggled, "I was racing Raven. I don't normally drive like that."

"Remind me again why you don't have a license?" He asked and she rolled her eyes.

"Fine," She tossed him her keys. "So ridiculous."

"So is keeping secrets from us," He pointed out as she got in the passenger seat. She stuck her tongue out at him and he growled. "Keep doing that and I'll give you something to stick in your mouth."

"A lollipop?" She asked excitedly and he groaned.

"I swear Baby," He muttered shaking his head.

"What?" She asked batting her eyes at him.

"Just wait until we get home," He mumbled and she giggled, kissed his cheek then looked out the window as he started driving.

Once they got back to their place she went inside and headed up to her room. She laid down on the bed and placed the pillow over her head. She couldn't believe she told them her true identity. Her mind began to race with all sorts of what ifs.

She felt the pillow being removed from her face and she looked up to see North leaning over her. "You Baby Girl," He groaned as gripped her chin.

"Yes?" She whispered.

"Need to promise to never do that stunt ever again," He growled as he straddled her.

"I promise," She whispered torn between feeling scared and confused.

"Don't ever worry me like that again," He said moving her hands to above her head then pinned them down with one hand. He made sure to be slow so she could stop at any time if she wanted.

"I'm sorry North," She whispered watching him.

"You could have got seriously hurt," He groaned as he ran his hand under her shirt and grazed her breasts. Her gasp was magic to his ears. "You have been very naughty."

"What are you going to do?" She asked breathless.

"I think it's time for you to learn your lesson about worrying us," He chuckled right by her ear making her gasp again. "Get up."

"What?" She asked shocked as he abruptly got off the bed.

"Get up," He demanded again. "Follow me."

"O...okay," She said her nerves starting to get the best of her again.

He stopped and turned to face her, "You can always say no Zoey," he said with enough authority that she believed him. She nodded and he smiled, "Now what do you say Baby Girl?"

"Yes Sir," She smiled as he ran his finger along her jaw.

"Good girl," He said right before he gently kissed her then started walking again leading her down the stairs then down another hallway. He stopped in front of a door and turned to face her. "Remember the rule Zoey."

"I can always say no," She repeated and he smiled then opened the door.

"After you Baby," he said holding it open.

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