Chapter 17

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She nodded and headed down the stairs into the basement. "Oh wow," She gasped as she took in the large canopy bed with lattice headboard. There was a St. Andrew's cross also in the room and she started shaking her head seeing it. "No," She pointed to it, "No, no, no."

"Alright," Owen nodded walking over to her. "We will never use that on you. We will on each other but you will never be on it."

"Thank you," She whispered and barely smiled. She recognized the spanking bench and chuckled when she saw various ropes hanging on the wall. "Marc?" She asked pointing to them and he nodded. "Show me?" She asked softly and he nodded.

"Actually, I want you to do it to us," Marc said gently leading her over to ropes.

"What?" She asked confused and shocked.

"Take power," Raven said nodding.

"It's all about trust," Marc said. "We are showing you that we trust you. You can do whatever you want to us. Now pick one then pick one of us."

"I..." Her mind began to race, "I can't...I can't choose...I don't..."

"Then pick a rope and show me what he did to you," Marc said, "just pick one, anyone. Yes, there's different textures but they all feel good so just pick one." She looked then pointed at the aquamarine one. He nodded and placed it in her hands then led her to the chair. "Chair or bed?"

"Bed," She whispered as he started removing his shirt and pants.

"Now what?" He asked softly.

"I can't," She shook her head. "I can't."

"Alright," he said, "Can I show you something?" She nodded, "Watch," He commanded as he walked over to Brandon and kissed him. Hearing her breath hitch he deepened it as he grabbed Brandon by the throat and led him over to the bed and made him lay down.

"Do you like watching them, Darling?" Owen asked gruffly in her ear as he came up behind her and wrapped his arm around her stomach. She nodded and softly gasped as he pressed into her. "Watch."

She watched as Marc wrapped the rope around Brandon's wrists then onto the bed. He began wrapping the rope around Brandon's arms then chest making intricate knots every so often and Brandon just let him. There was no fear in his eyes, only excitement.

"See Beautiful, it's all about trust," Marc said his voice even deeper. "At any time needed he trusts me to stop when he says so and I trust him to tell me if he needs to stop or make an adjustment. This," he said grabbing Brandon's hard cock making Brandon gasp, "This is because of trust."

"Now do you think you can try on Marc?" Owen asked softly.

"No," She shook her head then walked over to Marc and held her wrists up, "Replace them, please?"

"Oh Beautiful," He breathed then kissed her weaving his fingers into her hair. "Of course" He said hoarsely, "I'll finish designing Brandon while you go pick one out."

"Yes Sir," she nodded smiling when she heard him groan.

"Good Girl," Raven smiled loving how she lit up at it.

She ran her fingers over the ropes then stopped when she felt a soft burgundy one. She picked it up then went back over to Marc and held it out to him. He smiled and took it, "Undress Beautiful," He demanded and drew in a breath when she removed her shirt showing her ocean blue bralette. "Fuck," he moaned making her blush. She slid her jeans down to reveal her matching blue thong. She slid her bra and thong off and smiled shyly hearing everyone groan. Even with her scars they made her feel beautiful. She held her wrists back up and Marc started wrapping them together. "Remember,"

"I can always say no," She interrupted and he nodded.

"But let's think of a different safe word," he said keeping an eye out for any body triggers. "Something you normally wouldn't use."

"Popsicle," She said the first thing that popped into her mind and he smiled.

"Great," He kissed her, "how do you feel right now? Color?"

"Yellow," She admitted, "but it's just my mind."

"Talk to us," He said stopping the weaving he was doing around her waist.

"It's just so different and the same," She whispered. "You stopped," she noticed.

"Because you need me to," He nodded. "It's all about you."

"Kiss me," She demanded and he obliged.

"Fuck," Brandon groaned watching and she pulled away giggling.

"Show me what you were going to do to him?" She asked softly and Marc chuckled.

"Sit in someone's lap and watch," He nodded walking back over to Brandon.

"Sit Doll," Axel said gently pulling her back against him. "Do I need to undo the ropes?"

"Not yet," She said, "I'm okay since my legs aren't bound."

"Okay," Axel said pulling her into his lap. He chuckled hearing her gasp when she felt his cock against her ass. "Watch Doll."

Her breath hitched as she watched Marc kiss Brandon then start stroking his cock making Brandon groan. "Fuck," Brandon moaned as he pulled on the ropes. "Just like that Marc," he groaned.

"Wrong," Marc shook his head and removed his hand.

"Fuck," Brandon growled, "Sorry Master."

"Now you have to watch as I take Beautiful and can't come," Marc said pulling Zoey from Axel's lap who groaned in frustration. "I don't think she's ready for that yet Ax."

"We can try," Zoey admitted as images of both of them taking her filled her mind making her even wetter than before.

"Oh does Doll like that idea?" Axel chuckled pulling her back into his lap. "Is that what you want? Both of our cocks in you at the same time?"

She moaned at the idea and Marc chuckled. "Answer him Beautiful or you'll have to watch like Brandon." She gasped and he laughed, "I think someone likes to watch."

"Please," She requested as Axel pulled her hair out of her face.

"You heard our Queen," Owen smiled, "let's show her but no one comes except in Darling."

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