Chapter 21

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"Please," Corey moaned as Silas licked his cock and cupped his balls.

Silas chuckled and pulled away making Corey growl in frustration. "Really?"

"Just wait," Silas kissed him, "It'll be worth it."

"Have you learned your lesson?" North asked as he removed his hands again making her whine again.

"Da," Raven growled, "Nyet drive Russian way Kitten." He pulled against the restraints watching as North and Silas made her start sucking off Corey. Her moans with his gasps were torture to him.

"Don't ever encourage that recklessness again or you won't cum in her again, got it?" North demanded and Raven nodded. North undid the ropes and Raven stormed over to Zoey and slammed into her making her gasp and gag on Corey's cock.

She pushed back on him and gasped, "You're different," she moaned sitting up a little more.

"Pierced," Raven growled as he pushed her back down, "Take Corey's cock. Take cocks Kitten," he growled as he grabbed her hips and slammed into her over and over while she sucked Corey's dick making him moan. "Good Kitten take cocks." He growled as he pinned her against him and erupted, "Cum," He demanded as he held her. She moaned as she started swallowing Corey's load and came over Raven's cock. "Okay Kitten?" He asked as he slid out of her. "Rough?"

"I'm okay Raven," She smiled as she laid on the bed on her stomach. "I would have told you if you were too rough. I promise."

He nodded and kissed Corey then her, he gripped her jaw, "Ours."

"All of yours," She affirmed making him smile.

"Have you learned your lesson Baby Girl?" North chuckled as he came over to her.

"Yes Sir," She nodded looking up at him.

"Good girl," He whispered as he gently kissed her then started kissing along her neck. He intertwined their fingers and slowly thrust into her making her arch her back and gasp as she tightened her grip on his hands. "Such a good girl," He whispered as he slowly pulled out then eased back into her slowly.

"Master please," She begged moving her hips trying to get him to move faster. "Please."

"Shhh," He chuckled, "I know what you want Baby Girl." He continued the slow pace cherishing how she was clenching on him. "You want more Baby?"

"Please," She sobbed, "please."

North rolled them making her sit on top of him. "Take what you need Baby," He encouraged as she ground against him. "Take your Master's cock."

"Master," She gasped as she swiveled her hips. She froze when she felt Silas come up behind her. "Master, please," She begged turning back to look at him. "Please."

"This what you want Angelos Mou?" He asked as he pressed his cock along North's. "Want both of your Masters' cocks in your tight pussy?"

"Yes," She gasped as she pushed back against him. "Oh yes."

"Good girl," Silas praised as North spanked her. "Ride our cocks just like that," He groaned as he increased his thrusts. "Ahhh so good."

"Yes, oh, yes," She gasped as they fucked her. "Please."

"Marry us," North demanded as he rubbed her clit. "Marry us Baby."

"Yes," She moaned, "All of you, yes."

"Cum," Silas demanded as he squirted into her sending North and her off.

"Yes," She moaned as she collapsed against North and started trembling.

"Good girl," Silas smiled as he eased out of her making North slide out of her as well.

"Did you mean it?" she whispered as North kissed the top of her head.

"Yes," Owen nodded. "Look."

She raised her head and gasped when she saw the engagement ring on her left hand. "How?" She looked at North and their still intertwined fingers and smirked, "You're sneaky."

"Yeah," He chuckled, "we really mean it, Baby Girl, marry us."

"Yes," She smiled and laid her head back on his chest. "I love all of you."

"We love you too."

The guys looked at each other and smiled, who would have thought that their one true love, their Queen, was their little sister's best friend?

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