Chapter 4

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"Zo Zo, time to wake up," Jess said softly as she gently shook Zoey awake. "Come on we got class in an hour." Jess smiled as she helped Zoey sit up.

"Alright," Zoey yawned as she stretched. "Thanks Jess."

"Don't forget my brothers are here," Jess warned as she left the room.

Zoey tensed up for a second then rushed to get ready. She emerged shortly after in jeans and a plain purple tee shirt. Her long black hair was braided from the neck down and her makeup was simple and natural. Just as she sat down there was a knock on the door.

Jess frowned but opened it, "Oh hey Lincoln," she said trying to keep her voice natural. "What's up?"

"Where's Zoey?" He asked exhausted, his breath reeked of alcohol. "We have to go."

"," She said coming up behind Jessica.

"Oh come on Lincoln, can't she stay a little longer?" Jessica asked.

"No," Lincoln glared, "We are leaving now, come on Zoey."

"Ye...yes, Sir," Zoey said looking down at the ground.

"Fucking lucky I let your annoying ass stay in the first place," He seethed as he pulled her down the walkway. "Making me come all this fucking way to get your ass."

"S..s...sorry Sir," She said as he shoved her into the car and slammed the door.

"I kill him," Raven growled.

"No Raven," Axel shook his head, "We can't interfere."

"One bruise," Raven pointed a finger and Axel nodded.

"Then we will but not before," He agreed, "we can't right now."

"No like," Raven growled clenching his fists.

"None of us do," Corey agreed.

"Come on, we have jobs to do," Owen said fixing his tie. "Thanks for breakfast Jessica."

"No problem," She smiled as Marc started the dishwasher.

"Keep us updated," Kota said kissing the top of her head.

"You got it Big Bro," She smirked as she grabbed her bag then locked the door before heading to her car. She went to her classes then headed to her second job with no word from Zoey, even though she sent numerous texts, they remained delivered but not read.

It went that way for a couple of weeks, not contact from Zoey and she was starting to get really worried. She yawned as she unlocked her door. Just as she was getting into bed there was a pounding on her door. "What in the world?" She asked at the frantic knocking. She peeked through the peephole then gasped. "Zoe, what happened?" She asked yanking her door open, catching her friend as she collapsed into her arms covered in blood and torn large t-shirt that barely covered her ass. She had no shoes on and there were bruises covering her body. "Shit, you're bleeding. Let's get you to the hospital."

"," Zoey sobbed, " no."

"Zoey you're seriously hurt," Jessica tried to explain. Zoey shook her head, "Fine but I have to call Momma and have her look at you."

"Mom...momma," She sobbed as she clung to Jess.

Jessica held her and grabbed her phone. "Kota, don't asked questions, get Momma here NOW," Jessica demanded as she tried to calm Zoey down.

Minutes later she looked up as her door burst open and Erica and Sean rushed forward. "Oh my sweet little girl," Erica gasped as she fell beside Jessica and Zoey.

"Mommy," Zoey sobbed holding her hand.

"What happened?" Sean asked instantly noticing that Zoey flinched hearing his voice.

"What are you doing here Sean?" Jessica asked, "I said Momma."

"I was beside Kota when you called," He explained. "Now what happened?"

"I don't know," Jessica shook her head, "she just showed up like this. She won't let me take her to the hospital no matter how much I pleaded."

"Come on, help me get her to your guest room," Erica nodded as she gently stood.

"I got her," North said coming over to her.

"!" Zoey sobbed.

"Alright," North nodded and stepped back.

"Let him pick you up Zoey," Erica said soothingly. "I promise you're safe. They will never hurt you."

"Momma," She sobbed.

"Shhhh My Sweet Girl," Erica said as she motioned for North to pick her up.

"S...S...S..." Zoey whimpered.

"There is nothing to be sorry for Zoey Lynn," Erica said as North gently laid her down. "You can leave now North."

"Yes Momma," North nodded and left with fury in his eyes.

"Look at me Zoey," Erica said softly as she sat beside Zoey. "Did you take a shower?" She shook her head, "Did you scratch him?" Zoey nodded, "I have to ask Zoey and I need you to be honest with me." Zoey nodded and Erica took a deep breath, "Was it Lincoln?" Zoey barely nodded, "Was there anyone else with him?" Zoey barely shook her head. "I have to tell Sean, Zoey."

"Why?" She whimpered.

"Because I am just a nurse and he is a licensed Dr. He will let me do everything but we can report it in his name so something can be done. On top of that, with the boys being Academy it is guaranteed that something will be done," Erica explained.

"" Zoey started shaking.

"Academy is like the government but they can also push past barriers that the government can't," Jessica explained softly.

"Pi..pi..," She burst into tears again.

"They won't pity you Little One," Erica shook her head. "They will seek and gain justice then help you recover from this, I promise you. We all will."

"" She held up her hands showing they were cut and bruised.

"Lucian and Gabriel will help with that, I promise," Erica smiled softly. "I can't but they can. Can I please get Sean in here?"

Jessica left the room and shut it behind her. She turned to her older brothers who stood the moment she came out. She lifted her head from looking at the ground and tears slipped free.

"Time hunt," Raven growled as he grabbed his car keys. "Just?"

"Just him," Jessica whimpered.

"I kill him," Raven fumed, "I professional Russian."

"Yevgeny," Erica said coming out of the room freezing him in the doorway. "She has rope burns, whip marks, and knife cuts on her. She can't even sign because he cut and bruised her hands."

Raven roared and stormed out the door with North, Nathan, and Axel right behind him.

"I'll call Dr. Roberts so he can expect a call from Dr. Green later," Owen said grabbing his phone.

"I'm going to go shopping," Gabriel said after clearing his throat.

"I'll go with you," Victor said grabbing his keys.

"I'll stand guard," Silas and Brandon said while Sean silently followed Erica back into the room.

"Let's go make food and be ready to help with whatever," Luke said while Corey headed over to Jessica's laptop and Marc and Kota followed Luke to the kitchen.

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