Chapter 7 ~ Failed

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We were in the bedroom to sleep

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We were in the bedroom to sleep. I'm sleeping in someone's room now. Most significantly, a man's room...

He entered the room as he smiled at me and settled in his couch scrolling through his phone while I was sitting on the bed and looking at my laptop about some shipments.

"So, what's a busy bee doing here? Got anyone to kill tonight?", He asked which was true. Almost every night, I will be assigned with someone to kill or kidnap.

"No. My father said that I don't wanna do it until when it's very necessary."

"You're a very busy assassin. Don't you feel it different when you got nothing to work. I mean, would you get bored?"

I will be the happiest person..

"Don't call me that", I said in which he frowned.

"Don't call you what?", He asked in confusion. "Assassin", I said as he chuckled.

"Why not? You're really that right?", He asked and I nod.

"But, I never liked to be called that. Since my childhood."

"My sister always wants to be called an assassin. But, she's even afraid of ants.", He said chuckling. I smiled.

Soon, I felt sleepy. So, I shut down my laptop and placed it on the table. I rested my head on the pillow which felt like heaven after an exhausting day.

In probably 10 seconds, I felt someone plopped on the bed and it happened to be Xavier. I was nervous that we're gonna sleep in same bed.

He soon laid on the bed beside me. I was nervous and was uneasy. I couldn't sleep. I was dead tired. But, I couldn't fall asleep.

"Nervous?", I heard his voice where I nodded honestly. He switched off the lights which sank me into more nervousness.

"Why do you feel so. I won't eat you. Get used to it from now on.", He said with his eyes closed.

"I'm insomniac.", I said as he opened his eyes.

"It's probably because you're awake all the night to work. Your sleep pattern is a mess. I will take you to a doctor tomorrow. Wanna rest in my chest so that you would feel a little comfortable and safe.", He said in which the last sentence sent shivers down my spine.

"No", I said out of nervousness and I regreted my answer the next second.

You're not supposed to do this! You came to kill him!

"I don't want anyone to make me feel safe. I can keep myself safe.", I said and turned back from his side.

I didn't dare to look at him. I don't want to. I felt my eyelids heavy. Sometimes, I can't even sleep when I try to. Sometimes, I fall asleep very often.

I fell into asleep as I was tired and bored the whole fucking day.

When I woke up, I felt fresh and the sunlight hit my face. Xavier wasn't beside me. I looked at the clock and was shocked seeing the time. It was 1:23 p.m. almost lunch. No! It's already lunch!

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