Chapter 48 ~ You don't deserve happiness at all

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The next morning, I was making breakfast for them and overheard their conversation

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The next morning, I was making breakfast for them and overheard their conversation.

"Ciana, I want you get ready at evening sharp 6. We're going to my friend's engagement.", He said to her.

I sighed and started servicing the food in their plate. I can't deny that my cooking have been developed in these days but what am I going to do with this when I know I'm not gonna stay in this world for long..

"And, you're coming along with us.", He said and Ciana looked at him in disbelief.

But, my personal opinion was that he was planning to do something evil. If not, then what is he gonna do with me in the party?

"Why her?", Ciana asked with a frown in her face.

"I want you to meet someone really important.. and you have to kill the two people I say.", He said and I was stunned.

There's no issue with me in killing anyone but my brothers. Is he trying to make me kill my own brothers?


"None of your business.."

It's my fucking business!

"I-it's not my brothers right?", I asked because I can't rest in peace if I come to know it's my brothers whom he wanted me to kill.

"Don't fucking worry. Y'all can't die so soon..", he said uninterested.

"I kept the dress on your room. You have to wear it tomorrow.", He said and I nodded.

"I wish he kills you soon so that I can have a good breakfast in this house. Who wants to eat this shit.", She said looking at the food.

Then try to cook, bitch!

"The person you much discuss about this is your fiancè.", I said and she glared at me.

Somehow the word fiancè was giving me pain because he was the reason I did all this. To save him from death, I killed his inner soul.

"Just go to your room..", he said and I sighed leaving.

After reaching my room, I looked at the dress he wanted me to wear during the engagement.

If I kill them, it'll be beneficial for him but what about me? I should kill whoever he points out and I should be the one who's going to face the consequences.

If there's no consequences, he would've killed them by himself. Since he wants me to kill them, I am damn sure that there's something behind it.

I started feeling that Xavier is no different from my father. My father does the same. He would send me to kill people and let me face the consequences.

I've heard many people curse me for killing their loved ones but they don't know who's behind it. Also, I didn't want to tell that they were wrong about cursing me but the truth is that I deserve all those curses.

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