Chapter 59 ~ Rehabilitation

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"I..", I just stopped because I know the other two will be hurt if I choose one.

"I- I w-want— J-Jacqul-ine..", I stammered a lot but completed my sentence. I said that because I don't want hurt three of them.

"But, she have to stay with Ella. Mind if I stay with you?", Lorenzo asked.

"It's not fair. Ella will ask you frequently. So, I'd stay with her.", Franco said.

"Oh yeah, Lorenzo has a duty of taking care of his daughter and Franco has a biggest duty of saving his relationship because it's a doubt he'll get a girlfriend once again. So, I'm the only one who's free here. I'll take care of her.", Xavier said.

I don't know where this is going to end..

"What do you mean by it's hard for me to get a girlfriend again?", Franco grumbled.

"Because you're grumpy, idiot. You have to change yourself like a romantic hero. You look like a comedian right now.", Lorenzo said and Franco was ready to tell at him but stopped when heard my voice.

"I t-thin-k I'll m-make it u-up al-alone..", I said and they looked at me.

"Come on, Angel. There has to be someone for an emotional and physical support. We're not gonna send you alone.", Xavier said.

"Those who wins the arm wrestling stays with her..", Lorenzo challenged and all three were sending daggers at each other.

"You guys don't have to involve into violence. Ask her what she wants.. maybe she's afraid the other two will get hurt.", Aliza said as if she read my mind.


After a long argument, it was decided who was staying with me and I was already exhausted.

It was Jacqueline. She handed the responsibility of taking care Ella to the three men.

She knows the three of them will not let each other grab the chance.. but I will miss them.

It was tomorrow I was moving to the neuro rehab and I took an afternoon nap.

"I will miss you so much, Angel. I wonder how am I going to manage without you. Without saying you goodnight and goodmorning, I don't know how my day is going to be complete.", Xavier said emotionally.

"Y-You ha-ve m-my br-brothers..."

"I'm glad that I don't want to do arm wrestling to sleep on couch anymore. I'm also glad I'm going to get a separate bed and seperate room. And my complaint, I don't have you and the next complaint is that I have your brothers.."

I laughed a bit. I'll miss him too but we could always meet in video calls and audio calls.

"Don't laugh, Rosana. We're gonna miss you.", Franco said hugging me.

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