Chapter 26 ~ What If He Killed Them?

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It's been 3 hours and he haven't returned yet

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It's been 3 hours and he haven't returned yet. I was still lying on the bed with bandaged hand. The doctor checked me and gave me some medicines which I acted like gulping but I threw it in the toilet and flushed.

I took my phone and called him but, it was on switched off which made me more nervous. Did something happen to him?

A tear slipped from my face remembering all the memories he gave me. I don't want to loose him. He was the only one in this world who made me a special person in his world.

The door slammed opened and Xavier walked in. I sighed in relief wiping my tears. Anna was with me all the time which wiped off my loneliness.

As soon as Xavier looked at me, Anna walked out giving us privacy. She closed the door before leaving.

He leaned towards me and gently pecked my lips colliding his forehead on mine.

"You feeling better?", He asked in whisper.

"Yeah.. The doctor said to rest well..", I said and he looked at the wound in my hand.

"What's the wound in your hand?", He asked concerned.

"Anna said I hurt myself when I had a seizure. I don't know how I did that. It felt like, my body was not controlled by me anymore..", I said and he believed me.

"Okay. Rest well.", He said and I laid on the bed a bit more comfortably as he covered me in a duvet.

I can't sleep but laid in the same position as he was looking at the laptop seriously. Just then, my button phone started buzzing.

I put the phone on switched off and continued to lay on bed watching Xavier.

"Stop staring at me.", He said as he felt disturbed by my constant gaze. After he said those words, I stared at him more sharply with my scrutinizing gaze.

He started giggling so did I. He turned back and looked at me.

"Come on, let me work.", He said.



"Then, kiss me.", I said as he smirked.

He came towards me and gave me a small peck. I frowned. I wanted it so rough..

"That's all I can give for you. You're sick, remember?"

"Okay", I said like a good girl. I felt a bit guilty that he's trusting me so badly.

After few minutes, I Xavier was done with work and laid beside me. He was tired and fell into sleep the next second his head hit the pillow.

I shoved the button phone inside my pocket and left inside the restroom. I switched on my phone and called my father who picked up in the first ring.

"How the fuck did he escape?", Father growled through the phone.

"I was wondering the same. How did he escape? I was getting ready to go to Valentinos' house and Xavier came home unexpectedly. I was confused.", I lied.

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