Chapter 29 ~ Love Makes Us Weak..

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It was two days since Xavier was admitted in hospital

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It was two days since Xavier was admitted in hospital. He was completely broken when he came to know Monica was dead.

My father called me yesterday to say, after he was discharged, he would alter all the evidences against me and I have to accept it without denying it.

I was afraid. Not because I'll be killed or tortured. Afraid to face him. I don't want that day to come near. There was only three days left for his discharge.

Monica's funeral was next week and I was taking care of those stuff. It was hurting me that I can't do anything when I already know there's some threat ahead.

It was all my mistake. I should've told to Xavier about everything. Maybe, it would've saved me from being hated by Xavier. I couldn't open up now because my father have spies all over.

The situation was like even walls have ears.

There was no way out and I know I'm stuck. There is no way for me other than letting fate to decide my life.

Each minute I'm standing in this hospital with him, I couldn't help but feel guilty about everyone's loss. I was the cause of everything.


Today was the day Xavier was getting discharged. An unknown fear crept through me. Thinking about this, I can't sleep for days. I thought my insomnia is getting alright but because of this stress, it's recurring.

I still can't figure out why my life is revolving around the same circle which is always sorrow. Sometimes, I used to think how miserable my life is.

We reached home where I kep his luggages back in his closet. I came back to room where he was staring at the photo which he took with Monica. Now, my guilty was on its peak.

I sighed and placed my hand on his shoulder hugging him from back.

"It will be alright soon..", I whispered where I believed that it would sooth him a bit.

"Yeah, I hope so.", He whispered back. I could notice how broken his voice was. Also, I noticed how he was burning in rage to find out who killed Monica.

That's when I got a call from my father in the button phone. I went outside the room and picked up the call.

"Where are you?"

"Outside Xavier's room"

"Xavier's men have found the fake evidences which I've replaced. After the news comes to Xavier's ears, you have to do nothing but accept all the things. You should accept that you've don't this because you wanted to be a mafia queen. You should accept that it was your own plan. Also, finally you have to say everything you've done from your marriage was because you were selfish and obsessed to become mafia queen."

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