Chapter 18 ~ Maybe Life Isn't So Bad

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It was evening and I was covering my bruises I got today with concealar

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It was evening and I was covering my bruises I got today with concealar. It was not worse, but it was visible. After covering the bruises completely, I applied makeup.

I wore a black dress which I felt comfortable. I also don't have any high mood to wear something very attracting.

I went downstairs and saw Xavier talking with my father and brother where my mom was serving him tea

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I went downstairs and saw Xavier talking with my father and brother where my mom was serving him tea. Everyone noticed me coming downstairs.

"You look beautiful," Xavier said with a smile in which I mumbled a "thank you"

"Uhh.. and you will drop her back after the dinner right?", Lorenzo asked in which we broke our eye contact.

"Yeah sure," he said and I wondered if I could ever escape this hell hole.

We made our way outside the entrance where I felt Xavier's hand intertwining our fingers holding it tightly.

I would get tortured even thousand fucking times to spend just one minute with him. He hit my forehead with his for a second and we walked to the car.

I forgot that my family was watching in the daze. I was smiling and couldn't take off my gaze from him. Each minute with him was zillion times better than my life.

Maybe life isn't so bad as I think..

We settled in the car where I felt my family's heated gaze on me. But, I didn't care and continued to gaze at Xavier.

Never in my life I found myself staring something more interesting than mobile phone and laptop..

"Done staring? Continue it. All yours to stare.", He said I chuckled turning my gaze to window as I saw my family where the car started moving slowly.

I was ready for tonight. I was ready for any punishment father's gonna give me. It will be just one or two weeks and I can finally go back to Xavier.

I would even cross the black hole to finally see Xavier. Why couldn't I pass one or two torturous weeks?

I smiled glancing out of the window recalling the sweet memories he gave me. Finally we reached Xavier's home and was welcomed by the warm welcome of Xavier's family.

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