Chapter 44 ~ Blood isn't something new

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"What's happening here?", He asked

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"What's happening here?", He asked.

"Baby, just look at the food she cooked. It looks like shit!", She complained angrily.

He went towards the dining table and looked at the sandwich and soup.

"Anyway, it's better than starving. Just have a seat and have it.", Xavier more like ordered her and she obeyed reluctantly.

They settled on the dining table and Xavier shot me and angry glare.

"What the fuck are you looking at? Just serve the food..", he said and I did as they said.

They had their first bite of food and their face changed. They spat the food back on the plate and Xavier grabbed a glass of water and gulped it immediately.

Shit! I'm dead!

"What the- do you even call this food?", He yelled at me.

"If you want tasty food, you have to hire a chef. Sadly, I'm not a chef to cook you tasty food.", I said.

"Okay, come on, Ciana. We can go to restaurant and have tasty food made by professional chefs. Let her eat her own ass food!", He said.

They left to the restaurant immediately and I looked at the food I cooked.

I had a small bite at the sandwich and I could tell it was not really good. Then I took a sip at the soup and I almost puked tasting it.

It doesn't taste so good as it smells.

I didn't speak further and took my seat on the chair nearby and stared at the floor blankly.

Thousands of questions inside my mind which felt so torturous. It feels like my life has turned upside down in a fraction of second.

Even when I was in the hands of my father, I wasn't in so much of pain like now. I was really really tired of all these pains. Can I ever make it fade away?

It seems like, even animal's life is happy and healthy unlike mine.

I kept my hand on my cheeks and hissed. He slapped me so hard and so many times. I wonder when will it go away.

I sighed and drank some water from the jar and had some piece of bread to suppress my hunger because I hadn't eaten for so long.

After few minutes of doing literally nothing, I lied on the dining table and fell into sleep without my knowledge.

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