Chapter 33 ~ Escape

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All of sudden, almost fifty men stood near the cell with their guns

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All of sudden, almost fifty men stood near the cell with their guns. I took out my knife which was more than enough to fight with these dumb heads.

They raised their guns and I smirked looking at them. One shot right across my chest and I chuckled. Yeah, I wore a bullet proof jacket before I get caught by Xavier's men.

I'm not dumb enough to come without any security. Also, on the other hand, they will not kill me unless Xavier orders them to.

I started fighting with the men as I stabbed each of them with my knife and escaped from all their bullets. It was fun. Fighting is indeed a fun thing for me since childhood.

I was trained to be a monster since my childhood. Can these shitheads kill me so easily? The one biggest shithead I've ever seen in my life is my father. I have no idea how he believe all the manipulations.

Finally, after killing those 50 men, I looked at my favourite shirt which was completely drenched with blood. I took M1911 pistol which laid on the floor which belonged to a deceased man of Xavier.

With that, I carried Rosana in my arms and marched towards the basement door. I still remember how I memorized the whole blue print of Xavier's house to come here. It took me 5 fucking days for me to get prepared.

"Well, now you see the blue print. After you come out of the cell, you have to walk for 2 minutes to reach the basement door which has high security lock.", Franco explained.

"But, how am I going to open it when I return back?"

"You think I don't have a plan for this?"

I inserted the thick metallic chip which was given by Franco. It collapsed the whole security system in the house and the alarm started ringing all over so that the guards get alerted and focus only on saving Leonardo and Alice.

I carried her out of the basement and heaved a sigh as I looked at more men who was standing infront of me. I looked down at Rosana who have lost her conscious completely.

I have to take her to hospital immediately!

I placed her down on the floor and decided to finish off the whole damn drama in a minute. That's when I saw the men taking Leonardo and Alice safely from upstairs.

Leonardo was indeed shocked seeing me because he probably didn't expect that I would escape.

"What should I do after getting out of basement? There will be men all over surrounded."

"Maybe, you have to fight.."

"I don't think it's-"

"Well, I have an idea for that. But, that should be done with slow and steady."


"You have to keep your knife at Alice's throat. Leonardo and Xavier's biggest weakness is Alice. They would probably do anything for her. Just keep the knife until you reach the car along with Rosana and that's it."

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