Chapter 38 ~ New Life

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We finally reached Los Angeles and decided to stay in the hotel for few days

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We finally reached Los Angeles and decided to stay in the hotel for few days. The room was quite big than I expected.

"Remember when we said we have a surprise for you?", Franco asked and I frowned.

What could it be?

"Wait I'll bring your gift.", Lorenzo said and stepped out of the room.

After 5 minutes, he came back with a small baby in his arms. I immediately recognised her.

Anna's baby!

I still remember how she used to show me hundreds of her baby's pic. She was obsessed with taking photos of her baby. When I asked her, she said it's all for her baby and she will get to look at her baby pics.

My eyes for teary thinking about it. I just snatched a baby's mumma from her who loved her so much. I feel so much guilty.

"How's the gift?", Lorenzo whispered and I hugged him along with the baby who was in his arms.

"Thank you so much!", I said to him while kissing the baby's cheek mumbling a sorry.

"I decided to adopt the baby.", Lorenzo said and I grinned. I was surprised.

"Oh my God! You've become a dad then. Be a great dad or I'll kill you.", I said while laughing and tearing up at the same time.

"What about the mommy of the baby? Lorenzo, the baby wants a mommy. When are you going to marry your... Jaglin?", Franco asked looking at me with a mocking face.

God, I don't know you can mock two persons at the same time.

"Come on, I don't think she'll-"

"Did you contact her after we made it out alive?"

"Yeah, she yelled at me for but giving her mobile phone in person. Then, she said..."

"She said what?", We both asked eagerly.

"She said I'm an asshole.", He finished and we both burst into laughter.

"Come on, don't laugh. As good siblings, you're supposed to give me some ideas.."

"Ask her out!"

"You don't know, Rosana. It's not an easy deal for me."

"Then, forget her."

"No, don't say that. I'll ask her out tonight.", He said and we nodded.

"Also, we have to talk to you about your new identity.", Franco said.

"Yeah, according to the world, you're dead. Now, you have your new life ahead with new name, new identity, new everything.."

"So, what name do you want?"

"Uhh, maybe Katherine?"

"That's good name.. now, choose a good surname."

"Katherine DeLuca?"

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