Chapter 21 ~ Suspicious

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After 1 goddamn week, I'm finally gonna see her

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After 1 goddamn week, I'm finally gonna see her. I was so happy. I saw her walking down the stairs with a beautiful black gown with minimal makeup.

How can someone be fucking beautiful!

The next second she stood beside the couch, I engulfed her in my hug and kissed in her forehead....infront of her family.

"I missed you so much, Angel.", I whispered in her ears. Her lips curved into a smile and looked at me.

"I missed you too", she mumbled.

"What happened to your lips? It's bruised a bit..", I asked checking her lips. I looked at the whole family whose face was riddled like they'd been caught for doing something.

Her family is weird..

"What happened, Rosana?", I asked arching my eyebrow suspiciously.

"Nothing. I fell from the stairs. My slipper got-"

"Are you hurt somewhere else?", I asked and she nodded giving me a fake smile. I know she didn't fell from the stairs. It looks like someone slapped her.

"Let's go home first..", I said

"Okay", she said and we walked towards the door. We got into the car. She finally had a glance at her family and the car moved.

"Rosana, is there something you don't want me to know? Like somethings your hiding from me..", I asked and she looked at me. He smile dropped.


"No. I feel like you're hiding something.. like the bruise you've got in your lips. Don't try to fool me. It's like fooling yourself.."


"I'm not rude or threatening you. If you have anything that I must know, please tell me.", I said in a pleasing tone. She was looking down at her lap. She have definitely something with her.. that's way too complicated.

"Would you give me some time to bring up myself to explain myself?"

"Okay. Take your time. I'm not gonna push you.", I said and she smiled. She was definitely feeling uneasy when I ask her questions.

"What would you like to eat?", I asked to lighten up her mood. But, it didn't work as I expected. She was still distrubed gazing out of the window.

"Maybe an ice-cream..", she said flatly not even looking at me. I hummed. I parked my car at an ice-cream parlour and we had a pair of chocolate ice-cream.

We were back on our drive and finally reached home. We got off the car making our way towards the house. The second we entered the house, Ciana got up from the couch and threw herself on me hugging and kissing me.

I pulled her and looked at Rosana who looked surprised and shocked.

"What do you want now?", I asked her and she pouted which she claimed herself as being cute.

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