Chapter 36 ~ Her Dead Body

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In a fraction of second, the phone was snatched away from me and I turned back to look Franco

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In a fraction of second, the phone was snatched away from me and I turned back to look Franco.

"Are you going to call Xavier?"

"No, the phone was buzzing and I-"

"You know what? Xavier is searching for us in the nook and corner of the whole Italy. We have to escape from this country as soon as we kill our father."

"He's searching for us?"

"Oh yeah. Very seriously."

"Can't we escape and then kill father? Because it's more important than-"

"No, Rosa. You don't understand. It's now or never."

"I don't know what's your plan. First of all, we don't know where he is hiding.."

"Come on. Do you think we're that dumb to not even know where he's hiding? We know."

"I have some confusions about father's plan. Why did he even let me take the blame? He clearly knows Xavier would kill our entire family of Monica dies. Then, why did he do it purposely."

"That's where you underestimated him. You don't understand because he raised you without a single emotion. You don't know what family is. Even a person is dead, the entire family will be half dead. Family is an emotion and he decided to play with that emotion. Did you just see how angry and crazy Xavier was when his sister died?"

"Yeah but he'll become more powerful with his madness and I don't think that's what father wants."

"You are wrong, Rosa. Anger will never make us powerful. It drives our mind crazy. Patience is the only thing that makes us win and father made him lose that patience."

It's like I can understand and couldn't understand at the same time..

"Uhh, okay."

"By the way, who's Viola?"

"She's- don't take me wrong. I slept with her few nights."

I'm not shocked. I'm just a bit disappointed.

When Xavier would sleep around with girls, I was jealous, worried, sad and disappointed. The fact that every men I meet in my life are assholes is driving me crazy.

"Let's not talk about that. What about Xavier? Is his parents alive? He'd be really sad if he lose his parents and I don't want that because that couples treated me as their own child."

"I got only few informations about them. Alice made it our alive with just minute injury but Leonardo..."

"What happened to him?"

"He's alive with the help of life support.."

I sighed as I killed myself thousand times in my mind. Because, I'm the cause of the whole instance. If it wasn't me, Xavier would've married someone and stayed happily with his family but I've ruined.

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