Chapter 10 ~ Psychiatrist

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We came back home after having dinner on an expensive restaurant

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We came back home after having dinner on an expensive restaurant. I was getting nervous each passing time. Seems like I will freak out before killing him.

It was already 12:00 a.m. Xavier was freshing up. I could hear the shower sound. I was wearing a short night dress which seemed comfortable for me.

He came out with droplets of water dripping from his hair. He was like a Greek God. Yet, need going to die in few minutes. He smiled gently at me so did I.

He laid on the bed beside me where I was sitting and was unable to sleep. Anyway, being awake is not at all an issue for me. I'm thanking for that fact that I'm insomniac.

"You can't sleep?", He asked with his eyes closed. I hummed in response. He opened his eyes and looked at me.

"I will take you to a psychiatrist tomorrow. Maybe you can get a relief from this.", He said and I instantly felt really bad.

Imagine a person saying he will take you somewhere when you know you're going to kill him in few minutes. I always took killing as fun. But, it's not fun for me.

"I don't think it's necessary-"

"It's necessary. I don't want you struggling to sleep and being exhausted the next morning.", He said and I nodded.

"Now, come on. Maybe you could sleep when you cuddle with someone..", he suggested. I never cuddled with someone. How cuddling would feel like?

I nodded and rested my head on his chest. He hugged my body and I instantly felt my whole body wrapped warm. It was feeling awesome.

"Now, try to sleep.", He said and closed his eyes. Can I kill someone who's caring me when no-one did? I can't sleep. I can't sleep in his embrace knowing that the person is gonna die in few minutes.

It was finally 1:36 a.m. and I was still in his embrace. A man climbed into our room and I knew who is it. The man whom dad sent to be blamed. He's ready to take the blame.

I took the knife from my sheath. I removed my body from his embrace slowly. I raised my knife ready to kill him and the person whom dad sent was waiting for me to kill him.

Every memories glitched in my mind in a fraction of second. They were not a lot of memories. But they mean a lot.

I closed my eyes keeping my mind away from thinking about our memories. I finally remembered him pecking my forehead at evening. No one have ever pecked my on my forehead. No one.

But, am I going to kill a person who cares for me? I was reluctant to kill.

The person frowned at the thought that Angel Of The Death is hesitating to kill a person. This is the first time. First fucking time I'm hesitating to kill someone.

Fuck you, Xavier!

"What happened? Make it fast!", The person whispered as my knife didn't move an inch.

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