Chapter 49 ~ It's only about hate

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We were coming back from Russia in flight and Igor's words were continuously replaying in my mind

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We were coming back from Russia in flight and Igor's words were continuously replaying in my mind. I don't know why I can't get that off my mind.

I'm just guilty that I let my father poison Monica. Only if I saved Monica from my father, there's no need of this situation now.

I was selfish choosing Xavier that day but I didn't have any other choice. The situation was so worse and I wasn't in a right state to think.

Igor's words made me realise that I'm responsible for the whole circumstance. I'm responsible for the state I am in. I'm responsible for the pain I'm enduring. I'm responsible for every fucking thing.

I snapped out of my thoughts as an air hostess served me dinner. I was literally smiling seeing the food because I'm going to have a good yummy food after a long time.

I immediately took the forke and literally devoured my food. My tongue was in heaven after the food came in contact with my tongue.

I closed my eyes and moaned.

After finishing my dinner, I gulped some water and wiped my mouth with tissue.

Who knows? Maybe this is gonna be my last good meal I'm gonna have in this lifetime.

The mattar of dying doesn't seem to scare me anymore. I don't know why though.. maybe it's because I'm getting used to it.


We reached home and I sighed to get back to the normal routing. The thing that makes me sad is that I have to eat those shitty foods again!

"Rosana..", I was stopped by Xavier's voice. I turned back to see him with his hands on his pockets and his eyes gazing at mine.


"You didn't answer something Igor asked you..", he said and reminded me about it again.

So tell me. That day, you could've saved her from death, right? Tell your dear husband yes or no.

"Yes or no?", He asked repeating Igor's exact words.

I decided to tell him because he deserve to know everything.

"Yes. I could've saved her but trust me.. my situation was more worse than you think. I will explain-", before I could finish my sentence, he wrapped his hand around my next and pinned me to the wall choking me.

I coughed.

"Anyway, it was because of you. The reason behind my sister's death is you, right?", He said in a dangerous tone.

His dark eyes and his angry face was scarier than anything.

I was unable to breathe and I was slowly getting headache.


He freed me and I fell on the floor coughing while he turned the other said running his hands through his hair.

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