Chapter 47 ~ Caught!

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It was the day

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It was the day. The day when I planned to make my brothers escape. I didn't think about the aftermath and decided to face anything that was coming..

The jet will be ready waiting for them and the only thing is that, they have to  get out from this place.

I served dinner to Xavier and Ciana where they went to sleep. This was the perfect timing for me. After few minutes, I locked Xavier and Ciana's room door.

Also, there were no security guards outside and each and every camera wasn't working because of what I did.

I slowly walked towards the basement and opened it with the fake key. It gladly opened and I entered inside with small steps.

The place looked awful. Also, scary but I was used to being in places like this. I sighed and made my way towards where Xavier kept my brother.

I finally reached an iron door where we have to enter the pin. I entered the pin which I had been collecting these days. It open in which I was more happy about.

I wasn't even sad about what cruel things he's going to do after I make them escape. But it was filled with the happiness that my brothers aren't going to suffer anymore.

I opened the door with the great deal of effort only to find it empty.

I was shocked. The last time, they were here. We were right here. I started searching the whole basement where many people were tortured and some were already dead.

But Lorenzo and Franco was nowhere to be found which made me more confused and scared.

Did he do anything to them?

"What the fuck?", I muttered to myself.

I searched the whole place but they were not to be found in the whole basement.

I backed off tensed and all confused when my back hit a strong muscular figure and I immediately turned back to see an angry looking Xavier.


"Did you come in order to save your brothers?", He asked and I was speechless.

"I asked you something, damnit!", He yelled where I flinched.

He knows my whole plan. If not, he wouldn't have come out from a locked room.

I nodded where a sharp slap landed on my face but I stood still.

"You think I'm a dumb to keep your brothers in the same house you are. See, you betrayed me again by hacking my whole security systems with my own laptop.", He said.

I stood there, my head lowered not wanting to make him more mad and angry.

"Answer me.", He said but I stayed silent.

He held my neck and pinned me to the iron door where my back of the head hit the metal door. My head started throbbing at the next second and I gasped.

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