Chapter 30 ~ The Drug

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My mind was fucked up

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My mind was fucked up. I never thought she'd be a fucking traitor. It was my mistake believing her blindly. The love inside my heart was burning in rage and pain.

If it wasn't my love, I would've stayed what I was like before. Suspecting each and every moves of people, being sharp about things, a ruthless killer and so on.

My suspecting nature would've saved my sister. I shouldn't have been blinded by my love.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

I wanted to scream like this until my anger gets down but right now, the only thing I was wishing to, was hunting down the L.A mafia. I would show them how ruthless I can be if I find them.

Luca entered my office and let out a sigh.

"You sure it was her?"

"Why? I looked at the evidences on my own fucking eyes. I looked at the cctv where she was poisoning the food when she went to grab ice-cream from refrigerator."

"I still can't believe it all happened. I never thought something like this could happened to a happy family."

"Everything doesn't stay the way we wished. Future always veils."

"What did you do to her? Was she killed?"


"Why are you waiting for? Just kill her already. Monica was like a sister for me too as I grew up with you. I still remember how she used to tease us since she was young.", He chuckled sadly thinking about the happy memories which were tearing us now.

"She used to make me tasteless pancakes which I hated a lot. But, right now, I wish she'd come back and make me those pancakes even if it costs eating those daily. I would happily do that if she's here. Is that possible Luca?", I asked sadly because I still couldn't accept the fact that she's dead.

She was the person who grew up with me. Since I started to know the world, I know her. She was the person who was very close to me. I would share her about everything.

She like Rosana a lot. She took her as an inspiration to become a brave girl but that bitch was a fucking traitor. She doesn't deserve the love I have for her.

"If I see Rosana right now, I would surely give her a painful death.", Luca said while tears were slipping from his eyes.

"But, before that, I'm going to destroy her family completely."

"Where are they right now?"

"They have been hiding somewhere in Italy. I made sure to keep my men in charge day and night in airports. They will be caught soon."

"You think her father and siblings is involved in this?"

"I don't fucking care if they're involved or not. Since Rosana is related to them, their fate is nothing other than death."

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