Chapter 6: Located

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The ship approached in New Jersey as the team waited to head out.

(A/N Your outfit (sorry if you don't like it; I just did, but whatever version of the suit you want works too).)

When they got out, that's when Y/N recognized the area they were in, despite it being in shambles with some repair, and Bucky took notice

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When they got out, that's when Y/N recognized the area they were in, despite it being in shambles with some repair, and Bucky took notice.

"Babe? What's wrong?" he asked, going to her.

"This is where Steve, Natasha, and I first found out that Hydra was within S.H.I.E.L.D.," Y/N answered.

"It was before she found out you were alive," Sam added.

"That's reassuring," Bucky commented.

"Zola was programmed into the computers after he died and he continued what Schmidt started. But it was supposed to be destroyed after S.H.I.E.L.D. fired on us," Y/N continued.

"So someone is rebuilding it," Bucky guessed.

"Well, we need to be extra careful. Who know's what can come back up," Sam instructed.

They started looking around the place until they found a way in then went inside to look around more.

"Remind me exactly what we're looking for," Bucky requested.

"We need to see if there's any sign that Hydra is still around," Sam said.

Then they heard something activate and they prepared themselves as they noticed a computer starting up. They cautiously approached it before noticing the Hydra symbol come up.

"Can we smash it please?" Y/N requested nervously.

"Shouldn't we get some data from it first?" Sam wondered.

"No. Zola will infect any machinery and it can spread. If he's still in there, I don't want us to take that chance," Y/N answered.

"She's right, Sam. There's no telling what could happen from inside modern technology if older tech was easily programmed," Bucky added.

"Then Y/N, you do the honors," Sam said.

"My pleasure," Y/N stated.

She prepared to hit it with Mjölnir when Bucky noticed people from not too far with guns, aiming at Y/N. He quickly grabbed her shield, getting Sam's and her attention, threw it at them, knocking them down, then it coming back to him.

"Thanks, babe," Y/N thanked as he returned her shield to her.

"Anytime," Bucky said.

"Смерть следующему поколению!" one of the men yelled in Russian.

(A/N "Death to the next generation!")

"Прошу прощения?! Ты заплатишь за это!" Y/N shouted and ran at them.

(A/N "Excuse me?! You're gonna pay for that!")

Sam and Bucky soon followed, them ready to take them on.


A/N Oh no they didn't just say that! 😡 It's on now!

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