Chapter 7: Panic Ensues

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Both sides collide and fought as hard as they could, Y/N, Bucky, and Sam taking on two each.

"Keep them away from the computer!" Y/N told the guys.

"Sounds easier said than done!" Bucky commented.

"We still have to!" Sam responded.

"Bucky! Get ready!" Y/N signaled, to which Bucky nodded.

Y/N then hit one with her shield then slung it at the other. It then went to Bucky, who caught it, used it on the one he took on, threw it at the other, then it went right back to Y/N.

"Was that your first time using that move?" Sam asked the couple when he was done.

"Yeah," Y/N nodded.

"Pretty much," Bucky did the same.

"Do it more often," Sam told them.

The couple chuckled lightly before they all noticed a few more people coming.

"Смерть следующему поколению!" they all yelled.

(A/N "Death to the next generation!")

They fought more off when Y/N saw the guys managing their own.

"Guys, you think you can cover me while I destroy the computer?!" Y/N asked.

"Yeah!" both men answered.

"Okay!" she nodded.

She shoved the men off her and went to the computer as Bucky and Sam fought the other men off. She hammered the computer into the ground and fried the circuits to make sure nothing would be salvaged.

"That oughta take care of you, Zola," she remarked.

She then turned around only to be cut a bit in the stomach, making her groan a little. She held her stomach as she looked at one of the men with a pocket knife and a smirk.

"Гидра больше не будет недооценивать вас троих," he said.

(A/N "Hydra will not underestimate you three again.")

In response, she rammed her shield into his face, making him fall on his back, placed her hammer on him to where he couldn't get up, then punched him in the face a few times, knocking him out. She panted as she rose to her feet.

"Подумайте еще раз," she remarked, spat at him, then looked up saying, "Hydra won't attack with a pocket knife, huh Howard?"

(A/N "Think again.")

She sent Mjölnir away then put a hand on her belly, realizing it was wet. She looked down to see some blood dripping from the knife wound.

"Uh, Bucky?" Y/N called, getting him to look to her, then she added, "We have a problem."

She turned to him so he could see the cut on her stomach. He immediately started to panic as he ran to her.

"Y/N," he said frantically as he supported her.

"I know," she grunted a bit.

At that moment, Sam went to them in shock.

"We got to get you to a hospital," Sam said.

"Let's do the one...closest to our house. They'll have everything...they need for me and the baby," Y/N stated.

"Babe, that's a long way off. I don't know," Bucky pointed out.

"Trust me. They are prepared...for any injury I may have...that other hospitals won't be prepared for," Y/N assured.

The men looked at each other before nodding then looking back at Y/N.

"Okay, just stay with me," Bucky agreed, still trying to stay calm, but not by much.

"Let's get back to the ship. Just direct us as best as y'all can," Sam offered.

"Thanks," the couple said.

Bucky then lifted Y/N bridal-style and he and Sam went to the ship quickly. Once in, they took off and the couple, mostly Bucky, directed them to the hospital.


A/N Holy crap! That happened! AHH!

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