Chapter 27: Their Names

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Y/N panted as Bucky gently dabbed her sweat away with a towel.

"You doing okay?" he asked.

"Well, considering I just pushed two beings the size of melons out of a hole the size of a lemon, I'm doing pretty good," she stated.

(A/N "Look Who's Talking" reference. If you haven't seen it, I would recommend it because it's so funny.)

Bucky chuckled a bit then said, "Yikes."

"Yeah," Y/N nodded, looked at her husband lovingly, then said, "I'm glad you were here for it though."

"Me too. I would've been here sooner, but the fight happened and I had to fight off the one responsible for them, which was Rumlow's twin brother," he explained.

"That creep had a brother? And at that, a TWIN brother?" she asked in slight shock.

"Yeah, but he's taken care of. I handled it," Bucky assured.

"I know. Shuri saw you fighting outside the room, but I wasn't sure what else happened until you came in," Y/N said.

"Sorry I worried you," he apologized.

"It's okay. You made it and that's all that matters," she told him.

They then kissed before they heard the door open. They parted and turned to see Shuri, pushing a cradle that held both babies, one wrapped in a blue blanket and the other wrapped in a pink blanket.

"Congratulations," she told them.

Bucky then went to her and she gently handed the twins to him. He looked at them, tearing up a bit, knowing these two children were because of the woman he loves and him. He then went over and put them in Y/N's arms. She looked at them and started crying herself. Shuri brought the cradle over to the other side of the bed.

"I will be back shortly," Shuri informed.

She left the room and the couple just gazed at the sleeping children.

"What do you wanna name them?" Y/N asked.

"Well, since you told me you wanted me to name them, two names came to mind," Bucky started then said, "Steve and Rebecca."

She smiled at the choices and replied, "I love them."

"What about the middle names?" he wondered.

"The ones I picked are more current," Y/N answered then added, "Steve Anthony Barnes and Rebecca Natasha Barnes."

Bucky kissed her forehead before saying, "They're perfect."

They just held their children, excited for what the future would bring for all four of them.

But what happened during that was the Dora Milaje was taking Hunter Rumlow's unconscious form away when he woke up, escaped, and ran back for the room.


A/N AHH! I am so happy for you to find out the names! I hope it was well worth the wait for you all. But AHH with the twin Rumlow coming back!

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