Chapter 9: Grounded

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The next morning, Sam came back with the ship and was ready to pick Bucky and Y/N up from the hospital. They then came out, making Sam smile.

"Good to see you in one piece," Sam commented.

"You're telling me," Y/N nodded.

"Also, twins? That's huge," Sam told them.

"Yeah. We're pretty excited for it," Bucky smiled.

They then boarded the ship and flew off for home.

When back at the house, they got off then the couple turned to Sam.

"Thanks for the lift," Bucky told him.

"Any time," Sam nodded before taking off.

The couple then went in the house and it was silent for a good bit before Y/N spoke up.

"I know what you're gonna tell me," she said.

"No more missions until some time after the twins are born," he decided.

"There it is," Y/N remarked.

"Well, what do you want me to say? 'Oh you just got cut in the place where our children are, which was a close call, so you can keep coming'?" Bucky asked, raising his voice a bit.

"Not really that. But I could come help Torres with the Quinjet and not fight. I wouldn't like not fighting, but I'd still be helping," she pointed out.

"I can't take that risk. I shouldn't have even let you help the Flag Smashers when I found out," he said.

"Now you're overreacting," Y/N said.

"Am I?! Are you really willing to risk losing the babies over being on missions?!" Bucky asked, yelling at this point.

"Of course not! But I also don't wanna risk my husband getting hurt or worse to where I can't help him by staying here!" she shouted.

That left Bucky speechless for a minute as Y/N tried to stop the tears from forming.

"After I thought I lost you in the war, I thought my life was over. No hope for you and I. But when I saw you as the Winter Soldier, even though you were brainwashed except for remembering me, I promised myself I wouldn't lose you again. Why do you think I kept trying to find you after we destroyed Hydra from within S.H.I.E.L.D.? Going on missions with you is not just because I want to help others, even though it's a big part. But an equally big part is I want to make sure that you are gonna come back with me because you are my home, no matter where we are," Y/N explained, some tears falling.

In response to this, he went to her, cupping her face, and kissing her right on the mouth. She hungrily returned it as he gently wiped her tears away with his thumbs. They soon parted for air, looking into each other's eyes.

"Y/N, I owe you my life after you helped bring me back. And what you said makes sense from before you were pregnant. But for now, please know that I will return to you and be there for you because you're also my home. And so are the little ones inside you. So it would help me sleep better at night if you stayed here," he told her.

She sighed a bit before saying, "Fine. But I swear if you get seriously hurt, I will be right here to tell you I told you so and that I should've been there."

"Fine by me," Bucky smiled lightly then said, "Actually, I had something made for you."

He then pulled out a little necklace with a button and small speaker on it.

"It's like Life Alert, but instead of calling operators, it will signal me. If you press it a few times, it will call me," he told her.

"And I suppose it would be used for emergencies?" she guessed.

"Yes. Now as far as actual contact, you'll have to wait until I call or text you. If my phone goes off while we're hiding out, my cover will be blown," Bucky instructed.

"Aye-aye," she fake saluted as he put it around her neck.

"I'm sorry for yelling about this; I just want to make sure that I don't lose you and the babies like you do for me," he apologized.

"I know. But please be more careful. That's all I ask," Y/N requested.

"I promise," Bucky nodded.

They then kissed and hugged before going into the kitchen to eat breakfast.


A/N I remember that someone asked not only for the pregnancy, but also some angst between Bucky and Y/N back in "Falcon, Winter Soldier, and Lady America", I just can't remember who. So I decided to add some here. Anyway, back to the story.

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