Chapter 22: This Guy is Annoying

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Sam and Bucky finally arrived back to Wakanda and they ran out of the ship, Bucky being faster, to see T'Challa waiting for them.

"How is she? Where is she?" Bucky asked frantically.

"She's fine. Shuri had her taken to the medical wing, but you must hurry," T'Challa answered.

"Don't have to tell me twice,' Bucky responded as he walked up to the palace.

"BARNES!" someone yelled.

They all looked toward it to see a small army of men right outside the force shield.

"Смерть следующему поколению!" one group yelled in Russian.

(A/N "Death to the next generation!")

"Mutuwa zuwa tsara!" another group shouted in Hausa.

(A/N "Death to the next generation!")

"Mort à la prochaine génération!" a third group declared in French.

(A/N "Death to the next generation!")

"You have gotta be kidding me," Sam remarked.

"I take it this would be related to what you and your wife fought against over the past months," T'Challa guessed.

"Usually they were small groups of them," Bucky said.

They then summoned the Wakandans army and prepared themselves. Once together, they lined up in formation.

"Yibambe! Yibambe! Yibambe!" T'Challa yelled as the army repeated after him.

"We got this," Sam assured.

"For Y/N," Bucky said to himself.

"Wakanda forever!" T'Challa yelled, his helmet appeared, and they all charged, making it out of the force shield.


A/N This is intense!

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