Chapter 23: Fighting Ahead

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The others kept fighting outside, lasting a few hours, as more intruders kept coming. Sam then landed by Bucky and fought on foot alongside him.

"Bucky, go on in! We'll handle it from here!" Sam said.

"You sure?!" Bucky asked.

"Yeah! Go see your kids!" Sam answered.

"You will only get this chance once, so take it!" T'Challa added as he joined them.

"Okay!" Bucky nodded.

"Ayo!" T'Challa called, she ran to him, then he told her, "Cover Barnes as he gets inside!"

"Yes, your Majesty!" she answered.

They then took off, fighting their way to the entrance of the palace. This went on for about an hour before they finally made it. They panted before looking at each other.

"Am I forgiven from what happened with Zemo?" he asked.

"You're forgiven enough," she answered.

"I'll take it," Bucky shrugged.

"Now go. Be with your wife and children," Ayo said, smiling a bit.

"Thanks, Ayo," he told her.

"You're welcome," she returned.

He then ran into the palace, fighting off some other intruders who made it in. Once he cleared enough, he used the com T'Challa gave him to contact Shuri.

Meanwhile, Y/N was going through the sixth contraction as Shuri and the other women helped her the best they could when Y/N pressed her button a few times to call him.

At that, Bucky could feel his phone buzz as he continued on. He answered it, knowing it was Y/N.

"Buck?" Y/N asked when she heard him panting.

"Y/N. Thank God. I'm on my way up. How many contractions have you had?" Bucky wondered.

"Six," she answered then questioned, "And you're this knowledgeable about the female reproductive system?"

"I may have picked up a few things from medical books," he admitted.

"Okay, I'll pretend to believe you," she lightly joked.

Then she groaned in pain for a good bit.

"Y/N!" Bucky called.

"I'm okay. Just my seventh contraction," Y/N told him.

"Okay. I'll be right there," he said.

She then noticed the commotion outside.

"Bucky, what's going on outside?" she asked.

"There are more of those guys who attacked us for the past six months," Bucky answered.

"Oh joy," Y/N responded sarcastically.

"But I'm almost there and it'll be fine. I love you," he told her.

"I love you too," she strained.

Then they got cut off and Bucky ran and fought for the chance to see his children.


A/N Anyone else freaking out? Because I am! Also, you finally notice the fight outside?! But you have been focusing on giving birth. 😅 Anyway, back to it.

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