Chapter 15: Info for the Foe

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Two of the intruders were taken in, but the third one escaped and ran off for cover. When he thought he was safe, he contacted the leader.

"Sir," he said.

"Ist es fertig?" the leader asked.

(A/N "Is it done?")

"Sie kontaktierte ihren mann und sie besiegten uns," the man informed.

(A/N "She contacted her husband and they defeated us.")

"Du hast also versagt und warst der einzige der entkommen ist. Sie haben Glück dass keiner von Ihnen getötet wurde. Und bei diesem tempo werden sie sehr bald umziehen," the leader remarked, frustrated.

(A/N "So you failed and you were the only one to escape. You're lucky I don't have any of you killed. And at this rate, they will be relocating very soon.")

"Sie können such nirgendwo vor uns verstecken, herr. Wir werden sie finden," the man assured.

(A/N "There won't be any place that they can hide from us, sir. We will find them.")

"Hoffentlich. Denn wenn Ich nichts davon höre, dass die supersoldatin ihre kinder verloren hat, werde ich euch alle verfolgen und euch selbst töten," the leader threatened.

(A/N "I hope so. Because if I do not hear anything about the female super soldier losing her children, I will come after all of you and kill you myself.")

The leader hung up and prepared his weapons.

"They won't be able to hide from me forever. And I will find them myself if I have to," the leader promised.


A/N I'm getting tired of this guy. You guys wondering who he is?

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