And It Begins...

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A/N: This whole story will be written in Veronica's perspective unless written otherwise. That means if you don't know what happens in each episode of Once Upon a Time you may get lost at parts that do not involve Veronica. Anyways hope you enjoy and also point out any and all mistakes so I can improve my writing thank you.

Italics=the past in the enchanted forest or the character thoughts

—[Past-Fairy Tale World]—

I was standing next to Snow's glass coffin staring at her through my tears. It was all my fault; I couldn't convince or stop the Evil Queen from doing this. She controls me not the other way around and I wish it was the other way around so badly. At least she let me come say goodbye. I think she just let me come because she likes to see me in pain and misery but at least I get to say goodbye. "I must get going, the Queen will be summoning me soon. I am so sorry. I failed you, all of you." I looked back at those who surrounded the coffin. Red came up to me and embraced me. "Hey, it is not your fault. You couldn't have done anything. You are just a child being controlled by a horrible villain. Don't worry, though, we'll figure out how to get you back. For Snow, because that is what she would have wanted."

"Thanks, I have to go now. Bye everyone it was good to see you again I just wish it were under better circumstances." I looked towards the coffin. "Bye Snow and thank you for everything. You will be missed, and you will be avenged." I then heard a horse galloping towards us in the distance and the last thing I saw before I was summoned to the Evil Queen was Charming riding towards us.


Today was Snow and Charming's wedding and I was so excited for them, but I was sad that I could not join them for the celebration. The Evil Queen has a plan for today and I know it, so maybe I will be able to go. I just wish I didn't have to go in a way that will ruin it. "Come on let's go we have a wedding to crash," speak of the devil and she shall appear. Regina came into my cell all dressed up and ready to, I guess, crash the wedding.

"No, we are not going to ruin their special day, Regina. That's evil even for you."

"What have I said about calling me Regina." She then squeezed the dagger in her hand making me grunt in pain.

"Not to. I'm sorry your majesty." I bowed my head down towards her.

"There that's better, let's go. And put this on real quick I want you to look your best after all." She threw a green dress towards me.

"Alright," I grumbled in response.

Once I was dressed I poofed us right outside the entrance doors to the wedding.

"Please let's not do this. I'm begging you."

"Well, I don't like when people beg, so no." She threw open the doors. "Sorry we're late." She strode in with confidence as I walked in with my head down in shame. As she walked forward two guards tried to stop her, but she threw them away.

"It's the Queen. Run!" Doc yelled in a panic.

Snow then drew Charming's sword and pointed it at the Queen. "She's not the Queen anymore. She's nothing more than an evil witch." I couldn't help but laugh a little at that which earned me a kind smile from snow but a squeeze on my dagger from Regina which made me stop.

Charming stepped up towards Snow. "No, no, no. Don't stoop to her level. There's no need." Charming took the sword from Snow. "You're wasting your time. You've already lost. And I will not let you ruin this wedding."

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