Was It All Worth It?

978 21 10

—[Fairy Tale World]—

I had just poofed the Queen and me to her castle from the wedding. I noticed that Charming's sword was embedded into the wall. I looked over and saw Henry, Regina's father, there holding a tray of drinks for Regina and maybe me, I don't really know though she seems in a mood and might not let me have any.

"Would you like something to drink?" he asked us politely, gees I sometimes have no idea how they are related.

"Do I look like I need a drink?" she asked him harshly.

"Maybe you need an alcoholic one to mellow you down," I mumbled under my breath.

She turned to me with a harsh glare. "What was that?"


"I was only trying to help," Henry interrupted, which saved my butt and I think he knows it.

He hands her a drink. "Thank you."

"Now, that was an awfully big threat. Destroy everyone's happiness? How do you plan on accomplishing that?" the Magic Mirror asked. She turned to the mirror and while she wasn't paying attention Henry handed me a drink to. I nodded to him in thanks.

"The dark curse," she told it which caused me to choke on my drink.

"Are you sure, Your Majesty?" Henry asked her.

"But you said you'd never use it," the mirror reminded her.

"Yeah, I mean that seems a bit extreme Re- Your Majesty. I mean there are probably other ways to handle this situation," I said trying to convince her. "Plus, didn't you make a deal when you gave away that curse."

"You traded it away." The mirror added.

Henry looked at her in worry. "She won't be happy to see you."

"Since when do I care about anyone else's happiness but mine? Prepare the carriage. We're going to the forbidden fortress." Regina announced.

"Are you sure about this? I mean is this really what you want to do? You should think this through a bit more I mean ..." she then cut me off by squeezing my dagger. 

"I did not ask for your opinion. This is what I'm doing, and you will be helping me."

"Of course, sorry for speaking out of turn. I just wanted to make sure that you don't regret this in the future. I know we don't fully get along but, on some level, I do care."

"Well care a little more quietly." She turned around and walked out with me following.


We arrived at Maleficent' s castle and Maleficent and Regina were both sitting in chairs by the fire while I was forced to stand by Regina's chair.

"How are you, dear?" Maleficent asked Regina.

"I'm doing fine."

"I'm not really doing fine. Thanks for asking," I mumbled under my breathe which caused both women to look my way.

"What was that?" Regina asked menacingly.

"Shoot I said that out loud," I whispered. "I mean nothing I said nothing. I am nothing. I'm not even here. Wait who's talking? No one that's who. I'll just shut up now." I rambled on.

"Sorry about her she can be quit annoying and not know her place," Regina told her.

"It's quit alright she is very entertaining. She should be a jester rather than the Light One." Maleficent smiled towards me.

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