Where Is The Glass Slipper?

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–[Real World]–

I was eating breakfast, waiting for my sister to be ready to head to the school. Emma had already left to walk Henry there, but I was fine with being late.

"Hey I thought you would be walking Henry to school?" my sister asked as she walked into the room.

"Well, I figured he needs some time with Emma, and I wanted to spend some time with you, we haven't really hung out that much lately."

She came up to me and hugged me tightly, "You're such a great kid. How did I get so lucky to have you as my sister?"

"Well, Regina surprisingly asked me what type of life I wanted in this cursed world and actually pulled through with it."

She laughed as she pulled away shaking her head at me, "You're too much sometimes. Let's go then before we're late."

"Actually, we already are running late because you took forever."

"Wait what? Victoria come on we can't be late." She then rushed us out of the apartment, and we went to the school for another amazing day of education, note the sarcasm.

—Henry POV—

My mom was putting lipstick on while I read my comic book waiting for Victoria to arrive, I haven't seen her much lately and I love when she comes over to watch we while my mom goes to her meetings.

"I know you think otherwise, but I don't enjoy these Saturday city council meetings. Sometimes, they're just unavoidable. Now, you know the rules," my mom told me.

"Yes, on home homework, no on TV, and stay inside. Plus, Victoria is going to be here to make sure I actually do all that while she keeps me safe, so you don't have to worry," I responded to her with a lopsided smile thinking about my best friend.

"Good boy. Under no circumstance do you leave this house. And about Victoria she won't be coming around today so you're going to be home alone."

"Wait, why isn't Victoria coming?"

"I think you are old enough now to watch after yourself, so I don't think you need a babysitter anymore."

"You mean, you don't want me to see her because she actually believes me, and you don't want her to let me see my mom."

"She's not your mother. She's just a woman passing through. And Victoria has lost the privilege of watching you because last time she did you both lied to me, and I can't seem to trust her anymore. Now, do as I say, or there will be consequences. I'll be back at five sharp."

With that my mom left me home alone. But that was her mistake because instead of listening I grabbed my backpack and ran out to find my mom and hopefully Victoria.

—Main POV—

My sister was making food while I was playing video games and Emma was unpacking.

"I'm so glad my stuff is here," Emma said as my sister handed her food, "Oh, thanks."

"So, that's all your stuff?" she asked Emma. I looked over to see what she was talking about and realized that Emma barely had anything.

"What do you mean?"

"Is the rest in storage?"

"No, this is all of it. I'm not sentimental."

"Well, I'm not really surprised you don't seem like the type to have much to be sentimental about," I commented nonchalantly as I continued playing.

"What's that supposed to mean?'"

"Well, I mean until now you've been moving from place to place most likely because of your line of work plus from what I can tell the only person that you care about in your life is Henry, and maybe his father, since you don't have any other family. But don't worry, spend enough time here you'll end up with a lot more family and friends and we'll indoctrinate you into being sentimental."

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