Charming's Tale

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A/N: Sorry for the short chapter but Veronica does not play a big role in when David becomes prince and she definitely is not going to be present when David and MaryMargaret are having their romantic moments.


–[Real World]–

A lot of people from town were at the Nolan residence today to welcome David home and I was one of those people. I came with Emma and Henry, but my sister didn't come because of her feelings. I understood of course, it must be hard for her knowing that what she feels for him is true love but not being able to act upon it.

David came in and everyone was welcoming him while Emma and Henry were talking on a bench by the stairs. I decided to walk around and talk to everyone, see how they were doing. I mainly just wanted to see if anyone needed help with anything. I also just liked giving Henry and Emma time together because they both need and deserve it, plus if anyone can get her to believe, it is him.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Regina talking to Kathryn.

"Yes. But the love I lost – there's no bringing him back. You have a chance here. Go to him," I heard Regina tell her.

Kathryn went to walk out but turned to Regina, "You're right. And Regina – thank you. Thank you for being such a good friend. It's been so lonely. I'm not used to having one."

"Neither am I."

"Well, like it or not, you have one now."

Once she walked out, I walked next to Regina, "I would actually like to believe I'm your friend as well, so that means you have two friends."

Regina turned swiftly to look at me out of surprise while I just watched as Kathryn tried, and failed, to find David. "I'm not sure I would classify our relationship under the friend category," she told me.

"Well, maybe not, I'm not a hundred percent sure what type of relationship we hold. Is it sisterly, enemy, frenemy, mother daughterly, who knows? I know though that Kathryn doesn't really love him just like he doesn't really love her, she just thinks she does and once he gets his memories from here, he will think the same."

She sighed, "Listen Victoria I don't care what relationship we have. I just care about you staying out of this and minding your own business."

"I'll mind my own business when you do," I pointed at her.

"I am doing what I have to do to help out my friend."

I started walking away, "Keep telling yourself that, keep telling yourself that."

From there I walked out of the house and grabbed my board that I left outside and skated home.

When I got home, I saw Emma just pulling up in her car and skated right next to her and kicked my board into my hands.

"You know I can give you a ride home instead of you going home alone," she pointed out to me.

"I know but I enjoy skateboarding at night, it calms me and helps me think."

We walked upstairs, and she unlocked the door, and we were faced with the site of my sister very violently cleaning the dishes.

"You might want to ease up, or that Brillo pad's going to press charges," Emma commented.

"Dishes were just piling up... "

"Is this because I forgot to do the dishes. I'm sorry, I was planning on doing them, but I just kept getting distracted," I told her nervously because I did not want to deal with my sisters wrath.

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