Abandonment Issues?!?

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–[Real World]–

I'm pretty sure I cried myself to sleep because when I woke up, I was still curled up on the floor. I then heard someone walk in and looked up to see Henry.

"What you doing here kid?" I asked surprised.

Henry looked at me surprised to see I was still here, "Where's Mary Margaret ? And why are you still here?"

"She ran to clear my name and so we both wouldn't go to jail," I told him simply.

He looked at me wide eyed then smiled. "That is such a great idea."

He then ran out before I could explain more, he probably went to see Emma. Maybe he even went to congratulate her on letting my sister go. I don't really know though.

A couple minutes later Goldie walked in and saw the empty cell. Then looked at me curled on the floor.

"Sheriff, could you join me, please?" He called out to Emma. Emma then rushed in and saw the empty cell. "She's gone."

"Henry, what did you do?" Emma asked Henry.

"Nothing. She was gone when I got here," he explained to her.

"Her arraignment's tomorrow. If she's not there..." Mr. Gold started to explain.

"Then she's a fugitive and no matter what she's in trouble they'll think she did it and they'll put the murder on her. Which might clear my name. At least that's what she was planning when she abandoned me," I told them from the floor.

Emma looked at me sympathetically, "I have to go find her before someone notices she's missing."

"Oh, you mean Regina?" Mr. Gold asked.

"The arraignment's at eight A.M. I'm sure she'll be here bright and early to celebrate her victory." Yeah, most likely.

"Well, you have until eight A.M., then."

"Uh, what about me? How can I help?" Henry asked.

"Go home," Emma told him. As she grabbed her gun from her office.

"Emma, if she leaves Storybrooke..."

"Not now, Henry. Come on."

"Miss Swan, I know time is of the essence, but if Miss Blanchard doesn't return... Her future's in jeopardy. And if you're caught helping her, so is yours," Mr. Gold told her.

"I don't care. I'd rather lose my job than my friend." He walked out. Emma turned to me. "Do you know where she would of gone?"

I stood up slowly stretching my body while keeping my expression emotionless, "I have an idea but I'm coming with you."

She shook her head, "No you can't come with me kid. You need to stay here just in case. We don't need you getting in trouble too if we don't find her in time."

"I don't care what happens to me I need to find her," I pleaded with Emma desperately.

"I can't do that kid."

"Please Emma," I could feel the tears building up again, "she may have abandoned me here, but I can't abandon her."

"Kid it's too much of a risk." I could tell Emma felt bad, but I had to go.

"Fine then you'll have to look for me too because I'm going out there."

"How are you going to do that?" She asked as she crossed her arms.

With that I pushed open the jail cell door and walked out and smirked at her, "Like that."

She looked at me shocked, "How..."

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