Gotta Get to the HEART of the Matter

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–[Real World]–

I was eating at Granny's trying to have some me time, especially since things have been so hectic lately. A little away from me Ruby was flirting with August, which I found weird because she looks the same as the last time he saw her while he's an adult now. I don't know I find it weird that they're flirting. Granny wasn't having it though, which I found hilarious. After a little back and forth between the two Granny finally snapped, "Ruby! Stop flirting and get over here!" At that I had to hold back a laugh, I love Granny. As Ruby moved over to speak to Granny I went over to speak with August.

"Is it just me or is the fact that you two are flirting weird?" I asked him as I sat in front of him.

He looked at me a little confused, "Why would us flirting be weird?"

"Because the last time you saw each other you were a little kid."

"Okay, yeah your right it's weird, I'll stop," he put his hands up in surrender.

"Good because it's disturbing for me to watch."

He laughed at that, "I think your just disturbed to watch two adults flirting."

"No that doesn't disturb me, trust me I've had to watch not only Snow and Charming flirting but now Mary Margaret and David flirting, I'm used to it."

"Okay kid."

"Hey, you are not allowed to call me kid, I'm technically older than you."

He smiled at that, "I know but see you still look like a kid and no one else here knows your older so I get to call you kid."

I shook my head no, "You have no right to call me kid, you sir are the real child."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm..."

August was interrupted by Ruby screaming, "Nothing! I quit!" I looked over as Ruby stormed out of the diner. Dang, did not see that coming.

I turned to August real quick, "Yes you are." With that I got up quickly to follow Ruby before he could respond.

When I got out, I watched as she walked off to probably get her stuff from where she lives with Granny. This isn't good.

–[Fairy Tale World]–

It's been about a year now since Snow found me in the woods with a knife in my heart. Weird stuff has been happening since and I've felt different as well. Neither Snow nor I question it though, I'm alive that's crazy enough. We did find out that the dagger controls me though after Snow accidentally forced me to sit and be quit once when I was bothering her while she was trying to concentrate. Right now, though we're looking for food. When I first met Snow, she was a bit of a mess, she'd been surviving for two years without any experience in the wild. She somehow did it though. I've taught her a lot and basically kept us alive this past year.

Right now, though Snow and I are hiding in a chicken coop from something that was outside last night. It sounded huge and scary, and we did not want to deal with any beasts.

It was morning now and I had just woken up, I was starving.

"Look breakfast," I said excitedly as I pointed at the eggs under the chickens.

"Okay but we're only taking two, one for you, one for me," Snow told me with a little smile. I think she found my overexcited response to eggs hilarious. What can I say I'm a growing kid and I love food.

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