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–[Fairy Tale World]–

Regina allowed me to explore the castle a bit as she got ready for our meeting with Snow. As I walked around, I accidentally bumped into one of the guards. "I am so sorry I did not see you there," I told the guard as I stepped back.

The guard didn't say anything, he just stared at me intently from under his mask. He then removed the mask slowly and I could see tears welling up in his eyes. It took me a second for my brain to figure out who it was, but when I did figure it out, I could feel tears welling up in mine. "Is it really you?" he asked as he stared at me.

"Brother?" I asked cautiously.

He then brought me into a big hug, which I returned. "You're okay. Oh, my gosh. I missed you. I was worried that you wouldn't survive in the woods by yourself."

I laughed a bit at him. "Well, I'm a survivor, and it takes a hell of a lot more than just being on my own in the woods to kill me off. I thought Regina had killed you."

"No, she just stole my heart and made me her puppet," he told me as he pulled away from the hug. He stared at me and caressed my face. "You've gotten so big."

"Well, a lot can happen in seven years. And you're not the only one who she's puppeteering anymore," I added sadly.

He looked at me worriedly. As he grabbed my shoulders, staring me in the eye, "She stole your heart too?"

"No, my situation is a lot more complicated. It involves a magical dagger that controls me. And now I also have magical powers, which Regina figured out the moment we got here. Thank goodness the king before did not figure out that I had magic though, he was kind of an idiot."

He looked at me, surprised, as he stared me up and down. "You have magic now?"

"Surprise." I did some jazz hands to add emphasis to what I was saying.

"I did miss a lot, didn't I? I've missed you though."

"And I've missed you. I better go now before Regina gets angry. She wants me to go with her to meet with Snow."

"Snow White?"
I smiled brightly at him, remembering the story that Snow told me, "Yeah, she ended up finding me and she's been taking care of me ever since. Also, her Prince Charming is being held in the dungeons, so maybe if you could help him that would be great. If you can. Snow deserves to have her true love. She's done a lot for me. And I can't do anything about it, so maybe you can while Regina's distracted."

"I'll try my best."

"Thank you." I poofed away to find Regina, so that we could go to wherever she wanted to go.

– Huntsman POV–

I heard something happening in the hallways as I was heading towards the dungeon to check on Charming. I saw him there fighting a few guards, so I readied my bow and arrow to shoot.

"Shoot him," the guard behind Charming called out to me. Instead of shooting Charming, though, I ended up shooting him down.

"Who the hell are you?" Charming asked me in surprise.

I took off my helmet to show him who I was. "A friend. I don't know you. But I know Snow White. And my little sister asked me to come and save you."

"Is Snow okay?"

I unlocked his shackles. "The Queen was traveling to meet her. Her fate is in a precarious place. You must hurry. Follow me. I can get you out. I'll try and stall the Queen. The rest is up to you."

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