Apples! Why Is It Always Apples?

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–[Real World]–

I was woken up in the middle of the night by a horrible gut feeling and for some reason it made me want to go check on Regina and Henry. I quietly got out of bed, got dressed, and went downstairs. I grabbed my keys and my skateboard and headed out. As I got to Regina's house I could see the light on in her room, so I knew she was awake. I carefully knocked on the door hoping that I wouldn't wake Henry up as well. Regina opened the door and looked at me surprised for the fact that I was there, especially at this late of an hour. "What are you doing here?"

"Judging by the fact that you look like you just saw a ghost I guess I'm here to help you with something," I told her cautiously as I observed her fear-stricken expression.

She stared at me coldly trying to hide her fear, "I'm fine."

"You want to talk about it? I'm a pretty good listener and whatever you tell me I promise not to share with anyone. Plus I'm probably one of the only people you can talk to about it with since everybody else doesn't remember."

She sighed in defeat as she opened the door wider for me to step in. I sat down at the counter and then she sat next to me. "What was the nightmare about?"

"What makes you think I had a nightmare?" She didn't look at me but kept on staring mindlessly at the table.

"It's the only explanation for why you seem freaked out and why you're awake this late at night."

She sighed in defeat again, "Everyone remembered and came after me and Henry helped them."

"Was I there?"

"In the background staring at me with pity."

I smiled at her as I grabbed her hand that was on the table, "I'm not gonna lie. When everyone does remember they are going to come after you, but Henry will not be one of the people attacking you. He'll probably be one of the only people defending you and keeping everybody from killing you. Along with me because as much as I hate you sometimes no one deserves to die."

She looked at me as she held back tears, "He hates me."

"But he still loves you because no matter what, you are his mother. You raised him, you've made him who he is. You cared for him, and he will never forget that. If there's one thing I know about Henry, he is a big believer and I know that he believes that somewhere inside of you there is good. He will not rest until everybody else sees it to you."

She shook her head at me, "There is no goodness inside me."

I pushed my shoulder against hers a little bit, "That's not true I've seen it and Henrys seen it, but others will see it too if you give yourself a chance to show it."

"Why are you here, talking to me about this?"

"Because like I have said before and I will say a million times over, I care about you just like you secretly care about me. Now why don't you head off to bed I'm gonna head back home to my bed and I'll see you around."

She nodded to me as we got up. I went out the door and she locked it behind me, and I decided to skate around town rather than going home. I knew I wouldn't be able to fall asleep tonight. Especially because I still had that horrible gut feeling.

–[Fairy Tale World]–

Two guards were dragging Charming towards King George, who I was sadly standing behind.

King cranky pants looked down at Charming, "Did you really think that I would let you get away? Hm? You appear to have had quite the adventure since then."

Charming looked up at him defiantly, "Whatever it is you're going to do to me, get on with it.

The King nodded to the guards who picked charming up and pulled him closer to his royal pain in the butt. "I took you in as my son, and you betrayed me. I would've given you everything. The crown, the kingdom. All you had to do was marry King Midas' daughter. But you decided to follow 'true love'."

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