Stupid Dagger!

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–[Real World]–

I was walking down the stairs of the apartment and when I got to the bottom, I saw Emma eating breakfast calmly while my sister rushed around.

"I can't believe I overslept," my sister said.

"It's only seven ten. You've got plenty of time to get to school," Emma told her.

"No, I have to be there at seven fifteen – science fair. I'm helping the kids with their project before school."

"I'm sure if you're five minutes late they'll live."

"We're making a volcano." I could tell that she was lying, she's a bad liar. With that she left.


I shook my head as I walked towards Emma, "She's definitely not going to the science fair."

"Then where is she going?"

"She's going to stalk the man she loves."

Emma laughed at me as she shook her head, "You always seem to know everything kid. You would make a great detective someday. Ever thought of joining law enforcement?"

I just shrugged, "I guess. I've always liked helping those who needed it and solving puzzles."

"Good, then maybe you should join me on my rounds sometime."

I smiled at her, "Did you know I used to do that? When Graham was sheriff. It was a lot of fun."

Emma smiled back sadly , "Well then you have experience. Perfect!"

"Yeah perfect." I gave her a small hug and went to get something to eat from the kitchen. Then I decided to head to school early to maybe talk to Henry a bit.

–[Fairy Tale World]–

I just poofed into Charming's room and got myself comfortable on one of his chairs, waiting for him to return from whatever task the king had given him today. I heard the door open and looked up at Charming, who looked tired and sweaty.

"Wow, you seem to have been put through the ringer today," I commented casually which caused him to jump a bit in surprise at my presence.

"Hood! What are you doing here?" He asked a bit hectically.

I shrugged, "I'm here to say hi because I was in the area and wanted to see how you were doing."

"You shouldn't be here it's dangerous."

"I know but I had to visit my favorite prince," I smirked at him.

He smiled back at me, "Well it's great to see you again but you gotta stop sneaking in here. It's dangerous."

"I know but I needed a progress report from you to give to Snow on how your life is going even though she will deny wanting to hear about you. Just like how you wanna know how she is doing."

He chuckled a bit, "I don't want to know how she is doing, and I highly doubt she actually wants to know how I'm doing."

"Deny it all you want Charming, it's the cold hard truth. You're both in love with each other but you just haven't realized it yet."



"Get out. I have things to do."

I put my hands up in mock surrender, "Fine, fine. If you don't care about her than I'll just leave."

As I went to stand up Charming stopped me, "Wait, um, how is she? Just curious, I wanna make sure that she actually got what she wanted from our little adventure."

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