We Could Really Use Some Bread Crumbs To Follow

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–[Real World]–

Henry and I were at the convenience store looking through comics, he was reading a hulk one while I read a Spider-Man one. I was walking around while I read while Henry just stood there. I don't know why I like walking while reading, it's just relaxing.

One of the girls, known as Ava, from Henry's grade, just different class, walked up to Henry. "Whatcha reading?" She asked.

"The Hulk versus Wolverine," he told her.

"I'm Ava. I think I've seen you around school. You're in Miss Blanchard's class, right?"

Henry nodded and then Ava's brother came up to them.

"Almost ready, Ava?" Nicholas asked.

"This is my brother, Nicholas," she introduced him.

"Hi. Come on – let's go."

"You want to come hang out?" And so, our new adventure begins.

Henry looked towards me, and I smiled and gave him a small nod of encouragement. "Sure!" Henry told her.

The three went to leave with me following a couple steps behind because they're just kids and they need supervision. As they were walking, they all of a sudden got stopped by Mr. Clark, the store owner.

"Where the hell do you think you're going? Open up your bag," he said accusingly towards Henry. I started walking closer to him.

"What?" Henry asked.

"Don't think I didn't see you rob me. Open your bag."

I stood next to Henry, "Hey, Mr. Clark why don't we calm down and talk this out like adults. Now Henry said HE didn't take anything, and I believe him. Henry, please give me your bag." Henry handed me his bag and I opened it. "Now you see here Mr. Clark you'll see that there are indeed stolen candy bars in here, but I believe Henry didn't put them there." I pulled out the candy and put it on the counter. I pointed to the two other kids. "I think these two did so. I suggest calling the sheriff and his mom so we can all sort this out."

"Alright then," Mr. Clark said. "You keep them here while I go make some calls," he told me, and I nodded.

Henry looked at the other two kids sadly, "That's why you were talking to me. So, your brother could put that stuff in there."

I could see the guilt on their faces along with the fear of being caught so I walked up to them and put my hands on their shoulders and bent down to their level. "Don't worry. Everything will be fine. I know you're trying to steal this stuff for a reason and we're going to fix that reason up." I winked at them, and they just looked at me with wide shocked eyes. I got back up and stood there waiting for Emma and Regina to show up. I figured that these two were most likely Hansel and Gretel, I've read Henry's book front to back, so I knew their story.


Regina just got here, and Mr. Clark started speaking to her, "Well, I'm sorry, Madam Mayor, but your son was shoplifting."

"Were you?" Regina asked him. Henry shook his head.

"Look for yourself."

"My son doesn't eat candy. And he knows better than to steal. It was obviously those two. We're going."

"See that's what I said," I pointed out to Mr. Clark.

Regina and Henry headed for the door while I stayed to help out with Hansel and Gretel's situation.

Emma then walked in as they go to walk out.

"Henry. What happened?" She asked surprised.

"Miss Swan, must I remind you that genetics mean nothing. You're not his mother and it's all taken care of," Regina pointed out rudely.

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