Truths Out...

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–[Real World]–

I was standing across the street watching as Mr. Gold harassed Mr. French. Let's just say Mr. Gold has a complicated past with the man, so I'm not surprised at all. I watched as Mr. Gold told his men to take his truck away as compensation for his loans. I also saw that Regina was only a couple feet to the side of me. I decided to just lean against the wall and watch as they talked until, I heard Mr. Gold say something along the line of, "Is there something eating you, dear? Something you need to get out in the open? Cause it's going to have to wait. Please." Hah, he made a great deal with Regina over the whole please thing and I can tell he's enjoying messing with her.

Then he started walking towards my direction and me being who I am I decided to comment, "You really need to learn how to let go of the past."

"And why is that?" he paused next to me to ask.

"Because it's going to end up eating you from the inside out to the point where you might just end up insane, well more insane than you already are."

"Are you sure I'm the insane one here."

"True I'm a little on the crazy side but at least I admit it. Just don't let the past corrupt you anymore than it already has Rumpels."

I kicked off the wall and walked over to Granny's Diner. When I walked in, I saw my sister sitting there while reading and obviously looking over at David who was also reading. They are so bad at hiding their secret relationship. I also saw Emma coming in from the other side and she went to sit down saying hi to David and starting conversation with my sister, so I decided to join in. I knew Emma would probably start asking about Henry and since I'm his babysitter/best friend/sister and my sister is his teacher; we are her source of information on Henry.

"Really – he's his normal self. Regina won't keep you separated forever. When people are supposed to be together, they find a way," I heard my sister tell Emma as I grabbed a spare chair and moved it towards the side of the table where I could look towards David. I waved at David, and he waved back as my sister and Emma kept talking.

"Yeah. So, he's his normal self? He's fine? He's happy?" Emma asked. Ow, my sister messed up there. I finally sat there and leaned on the palm of my hand with my elbow on the table.

"Yes. No! He misses you – a lot. Trust me – I'm with him, like, six hours a day."

I saw Ashley enter the diner with her baby. She handed her to Granny and joined us at our table.

"Six hours? You take newborns? Cause I'd love six hours off," she commented to us.

"Ashley! I didn't... I didn't even recognize you."

"Baby on the outside?"

"How's it going?" Emma asked her.

"It's, uh... It's, uh... I mean, baby's great, but we really haven't had time to do the whole getting married thing. So, that's been rough. And Sean's been working double shifts at the cannery."

"Well, he has to work," my sister commented.

Ruby came over to give Ashley her coffee. "On Valentine's Day? Yeah. He couldn't get out of it."

"Wait. That's today?" I asked quietly. I totally forgot.

"I'm sorry. That sucks," Emma told her.

"It doesn't have to. Come out with me. Let's have a girl's night. We can all go. Mary Margaret – Emma, too. If you leave the badge at home," Ruby told us.

"I'm not really in the party mood, but you guys can all go and have fun."

I raised my hand, "Well I'm definitely down for taking Emma's spot."

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