Sleep Walking or True Love?

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—[Fairy Tale World]–

Snow and I were waiting to ambush one of the Queen's carriages on her usual path. We had cut down a tree to block the path.

We heard a carriage coming and prepared to jump.

"Whoa, whoa!" We heard the carriage driver call out.

And right on time when someone said that it's an ambush Snow and I jumped onto the carriage. We jumped down and Snow grabbed a pouch on the chair in the carriage which caused the woman inside to scream. I grabbed a horse and jumped on helping Snow up as we rode away. As we rode someone came after us and tackled Snow off the horse. I slowed down and stopped going back for her.

"Show your face, you coward!" The princely looking guys said as he held Snow down and removed her hood. "You're...a girl."

"Woman." Snow told him as she grabbed a rock and hit him in the face with it. I went towards Snow on the horse and helped her up as we rode away.

"You can't hide from me! Wherever you are, I will find you!" he screamed after us.

I looked back at Snow smirking, "Well that doesn't sound stalkerish at all." She laughed at my comment.

—[Real World]—

I was sitting outside of Granny's sitting on a bench listening to music, passing the time waiting to see if I have to beat up Dr. Whale or not. I mean my sister doesn't know I'm here and she doesn't know what I'm planning on doing when the doctor does something to break her heart, but she doesn't need to know. All of a sudden, she walked out of the diner, "So how did it go? I'm guessing by your face it went horrible."

She jumped a little. "Oh my gosh, Victoria, don't do that." She playfully hit my arm for scaring her which caused me to laugh. "And you're right it went horrible."

"Well, I knew the good doctor wasn't so good, I mean he seems like a pervert."

"Victoria, what have I said about saying things like that about people," she reprimanded me.

"Not to. But come on, you know I'm right."

She looked down. "Yeah, your right. It was horrible and all he did was stare at Ruby's short skirt the whole time."

I grabbed her arm and pulled her in for a hug. "Hey that guy is, like I said before, a pervert and you should pay no mind to him." I pulled away. "Any guy who would prefer to stare at another girls short skirt is not dating material. And anyways who needs men we've got each other. And one day you'll find the right guy that will only have eyes for you. I promise."

She pulled me back for another hug. "Thank you, Victoria. I love you, you're the best little sister ever. But how do you know I'll find someone someday?" she asked kinda sadly.

We pulled away from each other. "Because all we gotta do is find out who Prince Charming is in this town and then boom we have found you your true love."

She laughed and ruffled my hair. "Okay then. I think you've spent way too much time with Henry and that book."

"Just because Henry is young doesn't mean he does not speak the truth."

A we walked we noticed Emma reading in her car and walked over to her.

"Hey. You, okay?" my sister asked.

"Oh, in the world of tight spots I've been in, crashing in my car doesn't even rank in the top ten," Emma told us with as much enthusiasm as she could.

"You're sleeping here?"

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