Jailhouse Blues

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–[Real World]–

I was sitting in one of the chairs in the station waiting for my turn to take my mugshot while Emma was taking my sisters. "Please turn to the right," Emma told her.

"Emma, this is a mistake. We didn't kill Kathryn," my sister told Emma. I know she's freaked out, but we've been over this already, so many times.

"Of course, you didn't. But, while I am your friend, I am also the Sheriff. And I have to go where the evidence leads," Emma tells her, again. I swear I don't know how many times we've been over this since we've been arrested.

"Which points to us? Emma, yesterday it was David. There's something not right here."

"I know. But your fingerprints were on that box, and his are not. So, now we have to deal with this."

"Evidence that says one of us cut out Kathryn's heart...and buried it in the woods. This is insane."

"If I don't book you, with all this evidence, it's going to look like favoritism. And then, Regina will have cause and she will fire me. And then, you know what she'll do? She'll bring in someone who will railroad you. So, please – just try to be patient and trust me. We can't even move forward till we verify the heart belonged to Kathryn. And I am still waiting for the DNA test results. But, in the meantime, you need to bear with me. I have to ask you a few questions."

"This is crazy. We would never hurt anyone."

"Actually, that's a lie I have hurt people before," I commented casually.

My sister glared at me, "Not helping."

I shrugged. "What I'm just being honest. In my defense though it was to defend you." I paused for a second. "Ohh wait this is not good for me. Forget I said that, it just makes me sound more guilty."

Emma smiled a little at me, "I didn't hear anything."


Emma was leading me and my sister into an interrogation room. She was just going to interrogate us separately, but I begged her, and she couldn't say no to us doing it together.

When we entered, I saw Regina there, which didn't surprise me in the least.

"Hello, Miss Blanchard. Victoria," she said casually.

"What is she doing here?" my sister asked.

"She asked to be here as a third party to make sure that I stay impartial. It can only help you," Emma told her.

"I have nothing to hide. Ask me anything."

"Me too," I added.

Emma turned on a tape recorder. "The heart was found buried near the old Toll Bridge. It had been cut out by what appears to be a hunting knife. Have you ever been to that bridge before?" Emma asked. "Yes, many times. It's where David and I liked to meet," my sister told her.

"Mr. Nolan."


"And, you met there... For what purpose?"

"We were having an affair. I'm not proud of what happened, and I'm sorry. But that doesn't change the fact that I did not kill Kathryn."

Then Emma turned to me, "Have you ever been there?"

"I've never been there before," I responded.

Emma then brought out a jewelry box that looked fairly familiar. "Have you ever seen this before?"

"Yes, it's used my jewelry box. I gave it to Victoria as a gift because she liked it," my sister responded. "That's what we found the heart in." Oh, not this isn't good.

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