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A/N For the purpose of this book I will be aging up Regina to 20 and Snow to 12 when they meet and also Daniel will have green eyes instead of blue.


–[Fairy Tale World]

–Regina POV–

I was riding my horse through some obstacles with my father cheering me on. I was being careful though. After I was done I got off my horse and I hugged him in excitement.

"That's beautiful, sweetheart," he told me.

"Thank you, daddy."

My mother walked towards us with Daniel behind her holding a saddle.

"Beautiful? I'd hardly call that beautiful," she commented.

"You didn't like it, mother?"

"You ride like a man. A lady should be graceful. You should use a saddle." She gestured towards the saddle that Daniel was holding.

"I was just having fun."

"Well, you're getting a little old for fun. Who's going to want to marry you when you behave like a commoner?"

My Father then stepped in, "Honey, please leave her alone."

"Stop coddling her. She's becoming an old maid. All the other girls her age are married. I had such high hopes."

Daniel stepped forward with saddle, "Milady, perhaps this saddle-"

"I'm done riding for the day. And don't ever interrupt me and my mother again," I told him roughly to keep up appearances. I felt horrible for the way I was treating him especially because he's the love of my life and if what the doctors are saying is true, the father of my child. I handed the horse over to him and he took it away. "Why do you always have to criticize me?" I asked my mother as I stared at her.

"I'm not criticizing you – I'm helping you," my mother told me.

I went to walk away from her, but she spoke up as I walked away, "Don't you walk away from me." I felt her magic envelope me as I was lifted off the ground and brought closer to her. The only thought in my head though was how this was not good for my health, for the baby.

"Mother! You know I don't like it when you use magic."

"And I don't like insolence. I'll stop using magic, when you start being an obedient daughter."

"Why can't I just be myself?"

"Oh, because you can be so much more. If you'd just let me help you..."

"I don't care about status. I just want to be-"

My mother then caused the reins to strap around me squeezing me. I reacted instantly though knowing that if she kept squeezing me it would not be good for the child. "Please... I'll be good."

She let the reins release me as she lowered me slowly to the ground. "Excellent. That's all I wanted to hear."

I ran off to the stables to get away from my mother and to find Daniel. As I walked in I saw him brushing the horse that I was riding on earlier.

I walked towards him, "Daniel. I'm sorry I snapped at you."

He walked towards me, "That's alright. You'll just have to find some way to make it up to me." He leaned in, and I leaned forward capturing his lips in mine. I smiled at him then I started feeling bit nauseous, so I rushed to the corner and threw up for like the fourth time today.

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