The Truth Definitely Does Not Stay Hidden Forever

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–[Fairy Tale World]–

So, it turns out that Charming finally got the guts to do what he thought was right because, well he ran away to be with Snow. I'm happy for them though, like ecstatic. They deserve each other and their happily ever after. I'm fine with losing my freedom if they could have that.

Right now, I was standing next to king cranky pants while we waited for Princess Abigail.

When her carriage finally arrived King no fun stepped up to her, "Princess Abigail. Your beauty grows with each passing day. It is an honor to have you join my family."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," she responds. She definitely sounds like she does not want to be here, I can relate. I then heard noises of the men in the background looking for Charming and it seemed the princess did too. "Is everything okay?"

"Just the excitement for the royal wedding. We want to ensure the safety of our guests. So, if you'll excuse me."

He walked away from Abigail and approached one of the knights. Abigail then looked at me questioningly. So, I looked back and attempted my best smile, "Yep so excited."

"Who are you exactly?" She asked rather rudely.

I smirked at her, "I'm no one yet I'm also one of the most important people in this world." I then leaned into her, "And if you wanna catch up to Charming before the Kings men do I suggest you leave now."

She looked at me surprised by the fact that I seemed to know exactly what she wanted, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You wanna save your man you're gonna need him."

She just nodded once, "Very well, I should go then." She turned to leave but then turned to me for a second, "What is your name?"

"Veronica but Charming will know me as Hood. Tell him I say hi and give him my luck in his journey to find his true love. I also wish you luck on yours."

With that she nodded and went off as the King called me to him to probably carry his coat, again.

–[Real World]–

You know I was having a good morning, minding my own business, eating breakfast when my sister came up next to me looking nervous.

I sighed, "What's wrong?"

"What makes you think something is wrong?" she asked innocently.

"Because I can feel the nerves coming off of you, spill."

"Okay last night I told David to be honest with Katheryn and he's gonna tell her everything," she said so fast that I could barely understand her.

I smiled at her then brought her into a tight hug, "I'm so proud of you. I know that must have been hard but I'm proud. Thank you for listening to me unlike some people."

She pulled away and looked at me questioningly, "Who wouldn't listen to your advice?"

"Emma because she decided to trust Sidney when I told her she shouldn't. Basically, when everything goes wrong because of him I plan on saying a big I told you so."

She just laughed at me. "Well, it's her loss because you give the best advice." She then walked off to get ready to go out.


Later that day I decided to meet up with August to help him with the book.

"How did you learn to do this?" I asked him as I watched him work on the book carefully.

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