Who Knew Even the Trees are Magical?

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–[Real World]–

I stood next to my sister as we watched August put in a deadbolt for our door so that no one could break in again.

"No one... Is getting through that," August told us as he looked at us.

Emma stared at it then back at him. "Wow. When are you installing the torture chamber?"

"You don't like it? I call it Medieval Chic."

My sister just stood there with her arms crossed. "I don't care what it looks like, as long as it keeps Regina and her skeleton keys out."

"This is pretty handy for a writer. Where'd you learn how to do all this?" Emma asked him intrigued.

"Wood shop. Eighth grade," he told her.

I crossed my arms with a smirk, "Yeah all eight graders learn this type of stuff in wood shop."

"Oh, speaking of school, we have to get going," my sister said as she walked away to grab her stuff.

Emma looked at her cautiously as she followed her. "Um, are you sure you're both ready to go back?"

"After a stint behind bars, how tough can a room full of fourth graders be?" my sister asked as she poured herself coffee.

"I mean fourth graders are kinda scary," I told her as I grabbed the cup of coffee she just poured for herself, making it mine. She glared lightly at me as she grabbed another cup.

She looked at Emma, "Besides, aren't you the one we need to be worried about?"

"Me? Why?" Emma asked surprised.

"Well... You did threaten to take Henry away from Regina," August pointed out as he put his tools away.

Emma turned to him. "Oh, that wasn't a threat. I'm hiring Mr. Gold to help build a case against her." She then turned to my sister and me. "She tried to frame you both for murder."

"But, you do know what happens if you win?" my sister asked her.


"And you're ready? To be his mom?"


I nodded with a big smile, "Good." I felt bad for Regina though, I knew why she was always fighting so hard to keep Henry away Emma. She was scared of losing him. She didn't want to loose another child. At the same time though she's been pissing me off lately.

Emma's walkie talkie then turned on with Henry speaking through it, "Code red. Code red."

Emma picked it up and responded, "Hey, Henry. What's going on?"

"Meet me at Granny's. It's an Operation Cobra emergency. Bring Victoria too." I smiled at the fact that I was included.

"We're on our way."

Emma got up to leave so I called out to her, "Meet you there I need to talk to my sister for a sec."

She nodded and walked out as I walked over to my sister who was getting ready to leave. "Do I have to go to school?"

She smiled at me sadly, "Yeah sadly you need an education."

I gave her a dramatic pout, "But I've just been through a traumatic event and need some more time off.'

She raised an eyebrow at me, "Really? Then I guess we should get you into to see Archie."

I panicked a bit, "What? Why?"

"Because you need to speak to someone if your trauma is so bad that you can't go to school.'

I groaned at the fact thatches figured me out, "Fine I'll go to school."

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