Don't Mess With the Man's Dagger

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Good news they found Kathryn, bad news no one has gotten in trouble for kidnapping her yet. All signs point to Regina at least so it will hopefully work out, but then again Regina always has a way of getting away with stuff. I don't care though, it's over. Regina lost. And now we're having a party to celebrate. Funny thing about parties though is that even if they are thrown for you if you are the one hosting you have to work. So that's what I'm doing right now ,working on refilling glasses of punch with my sister.

"All of these people... Just to welcome us home?" my sister asked astonished while she looked at all the people in the room.

"You've got a lot of friends," Emma commented.

"Didn't feel like that yesterday."

"I mean even if these people are our friends what could they have done to help us out of the whole being accused of murder thing," I pointed out to her.

She nodded her head as she lifted the tray of glasses. "True."

My sister walked off to serve drinks while I snuck up behind Henry who was talking to August as they were looking at Gold and whispering.

"How bad was it?" I heard Henry ask. How bad was what?

August shrugged, "Getting caught in his office? Not bad. I played it off." What the hell are they talking about?

"What were you looking for? Did you find it?"

August leaned closer to Henry and spotted me. He gave me a smile and nod but looked back at Henry. "Nope. But I have a feeling it's going to find me." August looked over at my sister. "There she is. Why don't you give her your present?"

Henry stood up as my sister stood next to me. Henry picked up a giant card and small silver present box. "Hey. I have something for you." Henry hands her the giant card.

My sister took the card with a smile. "Well, thank you." She opened it and then read it out loud for everyone. "We're so glad you didn't kill Misses Nolan..." Everyone started laughing at the bluntness of the card.

Henry smiled at her, "It's from the whole class, and I got you a bell." He shook the silver box in his hand.

"Thank you. Tell everyone I'll be back soon."


"Hey, Henry, we should get you home before your mom finds out," Emma told him. "That won't be pretty."

Both of them started walking out but Henry looked to me. "Wait Victoria can you come too I have your present at my house."

"Kid you didn't have to get me anything," I told him with a smile.

"I know but I wanted to."

I nodded as I walked over and put my arm around him, "Then let's go."

We continue walking and I let go of Henry so he could grab his bag. Emma opened the door for us but surprise, surprise David was on the other side. Both Emma and I looked at my sister who definitely looked like she didn't want to see him.

"Hey, Henry. Leaving already?" I heard David ask Henry.

"Yeah. Got to get home and do homework," Henry told him as he walked out. I walked out too but waited there to try and help get David away.

"She's kind of tired. I think if you just give it some time..." Emma told David.

"I just wanted to-"

Emma interrupted David, "Hey, Henry. Why don't you head home with David?"

Henry smiled, "Okay."


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