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–[Real World]–

I woke up and got ready for the day. I went downstairs and saw Emma going to leave so I decided to ask her where she was going, "Hey Emma, where are you off too?"

"Just going to meet up with Henry at the castle to see the damage. Want to join?"

Oh, Henry didn't invite me to see if OUR special spot was okay. He invited Emma and not me. I'm not hurt by that at all. That why I'm nodding my head with a genuine smile right now, "Yeah sounds great. Let's go." I grabbed my jacket off the hook and walked out with Emma.


We parked right by the castle and to say it was destroyed would be an understatement. I was devastated by how horribly it was destroyed. I loved the castle; Henry and I had found it together a couple of years ago when I was babysitting him, and we decided to explore town. He was so happy that we found our own place to hang out. But I guess now it's his and Emma's hang out spot, but it's fine I understand. He just got his mom, and he wants to spend as much time with her as possible. I definitely don't feel left out now that I barely see him other than when I'm asked to watch him by Regina.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Emma, "Look Henry's here." She pointed out and I saw Henry biking towards us. Emma and I got out of the car. "Hey, kid." Henry biked right past us, not even greeting Emma in return. "Nice to see you, too." I really wanted to laugh at that, but I was to focused on how nervous Henry seemed. Emma and I walked towards him.

"The storm!" Henry exclaimed as he started to move to the ground.

"It's okay – we can fix it. I'll talk to Marco."

"Do you think it's still here?" Henry then started digging for where he hides the book.

"What are you looking for?"

"My book."

"Why'd you bury it here?"

"So, my mom doesn't find it."

"Hiding it under your mattress wasn't good enough?" I rolled my eyes at that; I mean come on Regina would definitely be able to find it there.

Henry dug into the dirt and uncovered a red metal box and then went to unlock it.

"That's the first place the Evil Queen would look."

"How about leaving it with me or Victoria?"

"That's the second place." Henry opened the box, revealing the book inside. "It's still here. Good."

"So, your mom doesn't know about the castle?"

"No. This is our secret," Henry told Emma. I don't even think Henry has noticed me yet. I'm fine with that, totally fine, I'm not jealous of Emma.

Henry then closed the box, relocked it and buried it again.

I then heard someone calling out to Henry behind us and when I turned around, I saw Regina there. "Henry! Henry! I've been looking everywhere for you. You know you have a session with Archie this morning. I should've known he was with you," Regina directed towards Emma. Seriously am I invisible today? "Henry – car. Now."

Henry ran off to the car while I walked over behind him, I wasn't planning on leaving with him I just wanted to see how he was while the ADULTS had a very rational and ADULT conversation. By that I meant I left the children to argue like babies.

As Henry went to close the door of the car I grabbed it, "So I don't get any, 'hi Victoria', 'how you doing Victoria', 'I'm glad to see you Victoria'."

Henry just froze and looked down at his lap sheepishly, "Hi Victoria, how are you?"

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