Old Tricks?

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It's been about two weeks since Graham died and I'm feeling a lot better. I've spent my time distracting myself from the pain and focusing on other things like, hanging with Henry, skating around town, and helping others any way I can. I've basically been avoiding Regina like the plague because I know she is responsible for his death, and I can't really look at my sister because it reminds me what Graham did for her. I also can't be around Emma because when I am I just think about how she was the last person he was with and not me, I mean he was there for me at the beginning of my life I wanted to be there for him at the end of his. I know it's not her fault and I don't blame her, I just feel guilty that I wasn't there or that I couldn't save him by getting his heart back.

Right now, I was sitting with Henry at his castle talking. We've both been down but he's been oddly quieter and less about breaking the curse.

"Okay, what's wrong?" I asked him finally.

"What do you mean?" He asked innocently.

"I mean that you haven't been you lately. What's wrong?"

"I just don't think we should continue."

"You don't want anyone else to die," I realized sadly.


"No one else is gonna die Henry. I'll make sure of it okay. We have to break the curse."

"NO! Let's just leave it alone before someone else gets hurt. You already believe in the curse and because of that she might come for you next so please let's stop."

I hugged him tightly to me, "She's not gonna do anything else Henry. Please trust me, I'll protect you and everyone else and we will stop this curse."

"What about you? What if she comes for you? You need to stay low and not get on her bad side, please."

"She won't hurt me, Henry."

"How do you know?"

"Because she had like 3 years to torture and actually hurt me and guess what she barely did. I know she cares about me just like she cares about you, just not as much, that's why I know both of us are safe from whatever she wants to do. She won't hurt us, but the people we care about are the ones we need to watch okay. Don't give up on me yet kid."

"I'm sorry Victoria but I can't."

Before I could respond I heard a car door shut and saw Emma walking towards us. I stood up and moved out of the way so she could be near Henry.

"Brought you guys something. Thought we could use them together for Operation Cobra," she told us as she showed off two walkie-talkies.

"Thanks," Henry answered.

"Oh, come on! What's up? You've both been ducking me for weeks."

"I think we should stop Cobra stuff for a while. You don't play with the curse. Look what happened to Graham." At that I looked away trying not to think about it.
"Henry, I told you they did an autopsy. It was totally natural causes."
"Okay, whatever. You don't believe – good. That should keep you from messing with it. And getting killed."

"You're worried about me?"

"She killed Graham because he was good – and you're good."

"Henry... "

"Good loses – good always loses. Because good has to play fair – evil doesn't. She's evil. This is probably best. I don't want to upset her anymore."

"Good doesn't always lose," I whispered sadly as Henry left the walkie-talkies and then walked away.

"He's really taking this hard, isn't he?" Emma asked all of a sudden to break the silence.

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