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Jinsoul blankly stared at the broken picture frame that fell down. It was a picture of her and her mother. Although she felt sad for accidentally pushing it down, she knew it would be the right idea to throw it away because she knew her mother would never accept her as her daughter anymore.

She sighed and started to pick up the frame and its shattered glass around it. She kept on doing this until she felt her hands reek of blood but she didn't mind even if she smeared her own blood all over the place. That's the thing about Jinsoul, she doesn't care.

After minutes of cleaning the floor, she started to wash her hands and pulled out the small shards. She winced in pain but still managed to get it done. "God, why is this so painful?" She muttered to herself.

It was a nice cozy Sunday evening. The only plan Jinsoul had in mind was to sleep and well, her plan didn't go that well. It must've been the caffeine inside her body that didn't make her sleep.

When she was done doing what she had to do, she laid down on the floor and stared at the ceiling for god knows how long. The thought about her mother never left her mind even though she knew to herself that her mother didn't even miss her in each second that passes by.

To describe their relationship with each other, the perfect word to use would be awful. Jinsoul's mother never liked the idea of her daughter moving to another country but it has always been Jinsoul's dream to go to New York to work there. It was painful for Jinsoul to decide on what path should she pick.

A path towards her dreams or the path with her mother's love?

And she chose the former.

She had regrets of course. With her decision, she knew there was no coming back to her mother's arms. With her decision, she knew the only path she'd have to walk through is the path alone. Towards the dreams she has always wanted to pursue.

But the inner child in her still aches, the inner child in her still waits for her mother to finally accept and be happy for her because after all, she was still her mother's child. And it hurts to know that her mother might never think of her as a daughter anymore.

Tears started to roll down on Jinsoul's cheek and she couldn't help but silently sob. On Sunday nights, I miss you mother.

Not wanting to cry anymore, she stood up from the floor and played music. She slowly danced to it. If there was anyone watching her, they'll probably think that she's a huge weirdo for dancing like that.

To Jinsoul, dancing has always been her coping mechanism. She knows to herself that she's not the best dancer around the block but that won't stop her from dancing. So she danced like it was the end of the world. She danced her heart out. She felt goofy, she felt sad, she felt rollercoaster emotions but it felt so good.

Also, this was her way of tiring her body so that she'd be able to sleep in an instant because she's aware that with the two cups of coffee she drank earlier, she knew she'd be up all night. If she was up all night then she'd be sleepy at work, if she was sleepy at work then she'd be fired.

Jinsoul made a mental note to herself to stop drinking coffee if it's already night time. It's not helping her fix her sleeping schedule at all.

She still went on dancing. She only came to a halt with her goofy steps when a call interrupted her night. She rolled her eyes. Who would call her at this hour?

She read the caller ID and realized that it was her officemate, Choi Yerim. Jinsoul picked it up and was greeted by the most optimistic tone she has ever heard in her entire life.

"HELLO JINSOULLLLLL-EONNIE!" The other line said that made the older smile. "Hey, Yerim. What's up?" Jinsoul asked. She thought that maybe there was something important that the younger  couldn't wait for the morning to come to tell her personally about it. After all, they were under the same company.

"Oh hey, I'm sorry. Did I interrupt your Sunday?" Yerim asked and Jinsoul shook her head no, as if Yerim can see her at this moment. "No, you didn't but what's the matter? Do you have anything to tell me?"

"Well, no. I just wanted to ask you if you know what would be a nice birthday gift to Yeojin since her birthday is coming near. "

"I'm pretty sure Yeojin wouldn't mind if you give her anything. She's head over heels for you, Yerim. Even if you'd give her a rock, I'm sure she'll still appreciate it." Both of them laughed at what Jinsoul said. "But no, seriously. It's the thought that counts. I'm sure she'd like anything you'd give her."

"Alright, Jinsoul-eonnie! Thank you for telling me. You were the only person whom I could ask for advice since my other friends were already sleeping. It's nice to hear your words, eonnie! Thank you again!"

"Wait, Yerim,"

"Hmmm?" She hummed as she waited for Jinsoul's next words.

"You consider me as your friend?" Jinsoul asked in a hesitant tone. She was self-aware. She knew the gossips around her. Everyone is pretty much intimidated with the way she acts and to herself it's funny because she swears she's really funny.

"Yes, of course! I asked you for advice because you're my friend and also because I think you're really greet when it comes to advices. Anyways, I've got to go now! Talk to you tomorrow, sleep tight!"

"Thank you and you too."

With that, the call ended and Jinsoul couldn't help it but smile with Yerim's words. Ever since she entered that damned paper company just to help her live her everyday life, no one really called her a friend except for Yerim.

It feels nice to know that someone is out there thinking that you're their friend.

Jinsoul never stopped smiling on that cold Sunday night and slept with the biggest smile you'd ever see on her face. Little did she know that this is just the beginning of something wonderful.

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