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Her mind was still off wandering to other places. Clearly, the hangover was still with her and didn't have any plans on leaving her alone and all the woman could do is massage her temples and zone out.

It still wasn't a good idea. She was lost, late and didn't know what else to do. Her body was filled with hot water yet her brain reeked alcohol. A shrilling ringtone got her startled. She didn't even mind reading the caller ID she just picked it up the moment it startled her.

"Where are you?" The caller spoke and with all the strength her head still has, she replied, "Sooyoung, I'm lost. I don't know where I am. Could you maybe pick me up?"

Even if Jinsoul couldn't see Sooyoung physically, she knew the caller rolled her eyes. "Jinsoul, you know I can't. There are visitors here. I don't know why but yes. I have to stay here. Don't you know the road towards here?"

"I'm pretty unfamiliar with the place my car has brought me to. I guess I am lost. But what do you mean visitors?" Jinsoul heard Sooyoung sigh on the other line. "They're from the other branch. Remember that branch who would always get the compliments? Yeah. Them."

Jinsoul's mouth curved into an 'O'. "What are they doing there?" Even if she couldn't physically Sooyoung, she knew she shrugged before responding to her. She just knew her best friend that well.

"I don't know but Mr. Parker sure doesn't like that they're here."

Sooyoung still stayed on the phone for a few more minutes before eventually hanging up on Jinsoul. The moment Sooyoung hung up on her, she knew she was already late for work. Goddamit, Jinsoul.

Coming to a realization that she was going late for work, she decided that it'll be better if she'd just work for a half day. She's going to go to work at afternoon and for now, she'll just roam around this place she got herself in.

As Jinsoul drove around she started to think of an excuse as to why she didn't go to work early in the morning but didn't get any idea. This was her first time in her years of working that she ditched her morning hours.

It was fun. And maybe if she could do it again, then she would but for now let her think of an excuse first.

She thought about going to an appointment or just telling them the whole goddamn truth. Yeah. Maybe that would work. Hopefully.

Being too engrossed in her head, Jinsoul didn't notice that she was already out of the area she has brought herself into and saw herself driving into a familiar road. But after taking notice about it, she started spacing out once again and she was only brought back to reality when she heard a shriek.

Fuck. She almost killed someone with her reckless driving.

And it's that blonde from the local restaurant. Oh dear god, destiny is shitty.


"Hey what the fuck were you thinking?" Her voice filled with rage, Jungeun glared at the driver. She couldn't see whoever was driving but she was almost killed with how they drove the vehicle.

This was an unlucky week for her.

Jiwoo is still angry at her, she's late for work at that other branch and she almost got bumped into a car. Luck wasn't on her side and if she could punch the universe right now then she would've done it. She would've punched it so hard until her knuckles start bleeding.

The door of the car opened and it revealed a woman who had an intimidating stare which made Jungeun gulp and when she started to examine the driver's features she felt a swarm of butterflies invading her entire system.

Navy blue haired woman.

She's hot.

Jungeun, get your shit together.

"I'm sorry," the woman said and Jungeun's rage went away. Just by the tone of her voice made Jungeun feel tranquility. "You could file me a case if you want."

"No, it's fine. You didn't do anything to harm me. Maybe you shouldn't drive if your mind is wandering around. You might kill someone with how you drive."

She laughed and the blonde couldn't help but smile at the sight of this pretty blue haired woman laughing. Her laugh felt heavenly to Jungeun and she smiled even wider but quickly snapped out of the moment when she realized that she was already really late for work.

"Nice talking to you but I really have to go now. I'm late for work." Jungeun said. She was about to leave when the other one spoke, "Hey, I could give you a drive. Hailing a taxi cab won't work and walking to your workplace would only bring anguish to your feet."

Jungeun turned to look at her and she saw her lips slowly curve into a genuine smile. How on earth did she know that she was supposed to hail a taxi cab?

The blonde felt shy with the offer and was about to turn it down but when the other one opened the passenger seat, Jungeun bit her tongue and accepted the offer.

"Where do you work?"

"A New York Times branch."

"The one that got the number one spot?" The blue haired woman asked and Jungeun nodded. They were in the car and Jungeun's stupidity made them start a conversation. She forgot to tell this attractive woman where she works at.

"Never saw you there." She said and Jungeun raised an eyebrow at her. "You work there?" It was now the other one's turn to nod. "Surprisingly, we were number one this year. It never happened in years. It's a bit suspicious, really but I don't mind. It's still publicity isn't it? "

Jungeun could only nod and force a smile. She was there to investigate things and this woman works there. She could ruin someone life. "The head manager moved us there." The blonde replied.

While driving, the blue haired woman seemed to connect the dots. "Oh, I guess you're the visitors that's going to stay there." Jungeun nodded again. "My friend told me about it and I was also late for today. I didn't have any plans on coming here this morning because I thought a half day would be good but you can along and now we're heading to our workplaces."

"Maybe I am your guardian angel." Jungeun said with a chuckle and the woman replied with, "Do guardian angels glare at random people?"

"Oh god, fuck you." They laughed at it. Their first meeting was a bit horrible but laughter heals it all. "I'm Jungeun by the way but you can call me your wife." She said with a wink. Jungeun didn't know how and why she did that but yep, she just flirted with this attractive woman.

"You really are annoying."

"First impressions last. Maybe I am annoying but I'm a great wife. How about you? What's your name?" She stated with another wink and the blue one only rolled her eyes.


"Jinsoul Kim, sounds like a good name, right?"

Jinsoul let out a frustrated groan and continued on driving when they arrived at the place, Jungeun gave her a quick peck and thanked her. She didn't see how Jinsoul turned bright red. All she heard was words filled with hate.


Maybe to flirt with a navy blue haired woman isn't so bad at all. She's going to do that everyday just to get a reaction out of Jinsoul. She's cute.

And maybe, Jungeun does have a crush on her. Maybe she does have a crush on her even if she was almost killed with how she drove earlier. Jungeun couldn't help it. She's gay and she's attracted to Jinsoul.

Flirting with Jung Jinsoul will now be part of her daily routine and hopefully, she doesn't regret anything.

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