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"She's a huge pain the ass, I'm telling you that." Hyejoo annoyingly rolls her eyes while she lets those words out. "Fuck that Park Chaewon, really." Jinsoul laughed at Hyejoo's words. "Control your temper, will you?"

Hyejoo glared at Jinsoul but let out a defeated sigh. She was only here to eat breakfast with her and Sooyoung. "Are you starving at your house or are you really angry that you're literally just eating everything here?"

"Fuck you, Ha Sooyoung. Rot in hell."

"I hope Park Chaewon defeats you in whatever game you two are playing." Sooyoung said in her defense and continued to eat. Jinsoul could only laugh at the two.

Last night, Jinsoul slept with the biggest smile you'd probably see on her face and then when she woke up, loud bangings were her alarm. It was as if the devil was in human form of her two friends who always looks like they'll beat each other's ass.

Ha Sooyoung, the slow one in the group and is also the gayest one. She'll flirt with any girl she sees and won't stop bugging them until she gets what she wants. What she wants? To fuck them senseless, that's all. But despite her white fuckboy attitude, she's a great friend although she'll annoy the shit out of you 24/7. She works where Jinsoul works. She's ome of the few friends Jinsoul has in there and well, of course Yerim.

Son Hyejoo, the girl who was born with rage but is a huge softie. Has a temper and gets angry quickly but is also a great friend although you'll have to be careful around her because it's either she hugs you or stabs you 500 times. She doesn't have a job because she's still in college and loves to play video games.

Both of them loves to bother Jinsoul and would eat anything she has in her refrigerator. And also, they love how Jinsoul cooks. Sooyoung said she could be a great wife.

And of course, Jinsoul would only laugh at it. She never believed in romance. Her twitter bio literally says, what the fuck is romance?

However Jinsoul felt so lucky that the three of them clicked as a friend group with Hyejoo's temper, her cooking skills and Sooyoung's fuckboy attitude. Three gays.

"Whoever Park Chaewon is, I'm glad she humbled you." Jinsoul said in her teasing tone and all Hyejoo could do was glare at her. "I don't really know why I became friends with you two."

"Maybe I was just really desperate." She added and chuckled. Sooyoung dramatically held her chest and acted hurt which made Hyejoo chuckle louder and Jinsoul joined the fun too. "Why are you laughing? I really am hurt Hyejoo-ah~" Sooyoung singsonged and the apartment was filled with laughter.

When all of them were done sharing their fun, they stood up from their seats and started to prepare themselves for wherever they were heading. Jinsoul and Sooyoung to work and Hyejoo to the university.

They all went out and talked until they got to Jinsoul's car. Sooyoung offered to drive which Jinsoul gladly accepted because she was having a headache and Hyejoo sat at the back. The three hummed a song along the way.

It played on the radio. The popular Lucid Dream played on the radio and they couldn't help but sing to it. They've sang this a lot of times already to the point that they already memorize everything but the song is just so catchy that you can't help it but sing everytime.

Enjoying too much inside the car, Hyejoo didn't notice that they already passed her university. "Sooyoung!" She called her attention and Sooyoung quickly drove back to her university. Hyejoo thanked them and quickly went out of the car.

Hyejoo arrived late that day and to make matters worse, there was a new transferee. With the name of the devil, Park Chaewon.

The other two reached their designated workplace and rushed in. "What time is it already?" Jinsoul asks as soon as she sees everyone gathering up in one huge crowd. "It's still 7:45." Sooyoung said and Jinsoul nodded as her response.

Both of them walked pass the crowd and sat on their designated seats. Along the way, Jinsoul bumped into someone and Jinsoul felt sorry. She was about to apologize when the girl gave her a 90 degree bow as an apology and muttered a lot of sorrys. Jinsoul gladly accepted it and she was about to start a conversation with her but the other girl ran away.

A confused look on her face started to form out and shrugged what just happened. "Eonnie!" A voice behind her startled Jinsoul and there she saw Yerim with the brightest smile. She mirrored it back but it wasn't as bright as the younger's smile. "Yerim."

"You really are intimidating," the purplehead said with a giggle. "No wonder why Jiwoo got scared when she bumped into you." Jinsoul smiled. "Am I intimidating you?" She asked and the purplehead shook her head no. "So that's Jiwoo? Never heard of her name." Sooyoung butted in the conversation.

Yerim looked behind Jinsoul and said, "Well, you never really know who's who in the office. You don't talk to anyone except Jinsoul." Sooyoung was about to retort but instead of opening her mouth to argue, she shut it because she knew Yerim's words were true.

"You only ask about people when you're interested in them. Are you interested in that Jiwoo girl?" Jinsoul asked while she turned on her computer. If you were wondering, Jinsoul and Sooyoung works for the New York times.

"I just thought that she was cute and all." Sooyoung said, "Does she have someone special in her life?" She asked, waiting for someone to reply but to her dismay, no one did.

Yerim and Jinsoul was busy with paperwork and what to publish. Sooyoung looked at them and sighed. With that, she decided to do her job as well because she knew there was a lot of time later to talk to the two of them.

Hours passed by and to all of the employees, it felt like hell. They were getting screamed at by people who have larger positions than them. Including Jinsoul, Yerim and Sooyoung. They could only grit their teeth and roll their eyes behind them.

People are sometimes so cruel.

"Our branch is the highest among any other branch? How is that even possible? I thought the other branch which they would always compliment was the highest?" Yerim said, in disbelief while she drank the coca cola.

It was a stressful Monday for all of them. Hell, stressful was even an understatement. And the three of them decided to eat at this local restaurant near their workplace. They were talking about all the things three office workers would do.

"The crowd that gathered earlier was the result about THAT news?" Sooyoung emphasized the word THAT. What news? The news about them being the highest branch. It was unbelievable to them because what were the screams they received earlier? Shouldn't their bosses be happy that they're number one?

Jinsoul was just as confused as Yerim and Sooyoung. How on earth did that happen? As far as she can remember, they were the lowest branch last year. "I want to say they fabricated it but I know they don't have enough budget for that."

Laughter erupted in their table. They didn't mind people looking at them, they were used to them turning their heads when they were really loud. However Jinsoul caught a glimpse of a blond glaring at them.

She didn't care though it was just that she was really pretty. Her blonde hair made her stand out from everyone and her glares were somehow making her heart jump. She smiled at the blonde and the blonde looked away.

Pretty annoying blonde. She thought.

The night was careless. All three of them were full when they got home and Sooyoung didn't stop bugging Yerim until she gave her Jiwoo's number.  It was fun. Let's do this again, Yerim said and Jinsoul would only smile.

Ever since she and that blonde locked eyes in the restaurant, the thought about her never left Jinsoul's head. It's not a crush, she'd tell herself. It's not a crush, just an admiration.

First stage? Denial.

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