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Mondays were defined as misery to Jungeun. Each time Monday came around, she'd feel horrid, she'd have the urge to just slack off all day but of course she wouldn't do that. She had bills to pay, responsibilities to do and most importantly she had to have social life.

However this particular Monday morning didn't make her feel horror, it didn't make her feel as if it'd be better for her to just slack off all day. Yesterday she woke up and with a smile and so did today. She woke up with a genuine smile that makes you wonder if she slept all night with that smile plastered on her face.

There was only one reason for Jungeun's pleasant attitude each time she woke up. It was Jung Jinsoul. The thought of Jung Jinsoul would always make her smile.

The blonde turned to her side and stared at the woman sleeping beside her. She studied her features while she was still sleeping. Her eyes looked so peaceful when it's closed, it's like it comforts Jungeun when she watches it.

Her nose looks cute whenever a snore comes out, her navy blue hair was messily breathtaking to Jungeun. She could still remember how she managed to remember the way Jinsoul smiled at her the first night they locked each other's eyes.

And all she could think about that night was her.

Who would've thought that days after they'd be in here? In bed, next to each other, peacefully cuddling each other while one of them admires the other.

Last night was a rollercoaster of emotions for Jungeun. She was still aware that her heart is still attached to Jiwoo, she was scared that it might affect anything she says to Jinsoul. She wasn't expecting for the words 'I like you' to come out of her mouth, it just did.

She couldn't swallow the lump in her throat last night that she had to tell it to Jinsoul and thankfully she did because now, they're beside each other. Sleeping like newlyweds after spending honeymoon.

Jungeun felt Jinsoul's arm wrapped around her waist when she sat up. She was sure she'd woken Jinsoul up but as she turned to look back at the sleeping beauty, she was still drifting off to Wonderland.

She leaned in towards Jinsoul's face, she was close enough to kiss her and so she did. She planted a gentle smack on Jinsoul's nose and tried to walk away from the bed but failed to do so when she felt a tight grip on her wrist, pulling her back to the bed beside the woman she just kissed earlier.

"Goos morning, sunshine." She whispered into her ears and Jungeun felt her body be filled with butterflies. How was it even possible for her to feel that way? How was it even possible for her body to be filled up with butterflies? Aren't they supposed to be in her stomach only?

Oh god I can feel each kind of butterflies in me. Jungeun thought to herself.

"Hey sleepyhead, were you awake the whole time?" Jungeun asked, eyebrows raised at Jinsoul and the older one just giggles. "Yeah. You stared at me like you see the universe in me."

"Well, you are my universe. I have the right to stare at you that way." Jungeun said in a flirting manner and she caught Jinsoul's ears being red and she laughed. "You're flustered, Jung! What a cutie!"

Jungeun laughed at loud and Jinsoul pouted which the blonde thought was really adorable. "You'll always be an annoying blonde to me!" The older exclaims and stands up to do her morning routines while Jungeun is left there laughing at Jinsoul's words.

"Unfair how you pulled me back to sleep but here you are getting ready for work and also it's unfair how you have a nickname to call me while I only get to call you fuckface. Annoying blonde huh? I'll show you what's an annoying blonde." Jungeun said in a fast motion while she fixed the bed.

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